Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Will Corona virus be around forever?


TV people are talking about Corona virus will be with us forever.  Historically this is not true.  The Black Death killed something between a quarter and a half the population of Europe back in the 1340’s.  It came back at least once, maybe twice, and killed a lot more.  The Black Death makes Corona virus look like a bad cold.  Over the years, the Black Death lost its power to kill.  It hasn’t been around in centuries.  Partly this come from the survivors passing on what ever it was that made them survivors to their children, and partly the Black Death mutated in the direction of being less lethal.  After all, if the virus kills its host before it has time to infect other people, it is going to die out with its unfortunate hosts. 

   At any rate, a lethal disease that nearly depopulated Europe 6-7 hundred years ago is not a problem today. 

Sunday, November 28, 2021

New Strain of Corona virus

 Omichron I think they call it.  The only way we can identify it is by decoding its genetic material in the lab.  It has a lot (25-30?) mutations in the working part of the virus.  Which makes all the medics suspect (but they lack real evidence) it can do all sorts of bad things.  There are a lot of people, newsies, health bureaucrats, big pharma, and others, who are profiting from the Corona virus pandemic.  These people are overjoyed to find and excuse to keep the pandemic going, and keeping the money flowing their way. 

As far as I can tell from listening to the TV, there is no documented clinical difference between the Omichron variant and the parent virus.  Patients get sick, in the same way as the old style virus.  I have not heard any clinical evidence that the Omichron strain is better or worse than  the "standard" strain.  Other than getting that booster shot this week, I will just watch the circus on TV.  Beat the Press had Fauci on this morning.  Fauci claims the booster shot improves your antibody levels by a yuge amount.  No numbers on how yuge is yuge, no description of the experiments that yielded this encouraging info.  This is the talk of a medical bureaucrat rather than a working MD who treats live patients. 

Saturday, November 27, 2021

Seven Inches of snow in Franconia Notch

 This all fell last night.  Although we had snow flurries all day yesterday there was no buildup until later.  It was cold, 24F at my place early this morning.  That gave us nice slight and fluffy powder snow, the best kind for skiing.  No wind, so the snow stays on the Cannon trails rather than blowing into the woods.

Friday, November 26, 2021

Went to the Grocery Store today (Black Friday)

 Shaw's in Littleton.  Looks like Shaws  beat up on their supply chain and got a lot of stock in for Thanksgiving.  They were offering it on sale today.  Big 20 pound turkey went for $46 before Thanksgiving.  It was marked down to $13 day after thanksgiving.  Some things were still expensive.  Nice Ribeye beefsteak $15 a pound.  Lot of strange brandnames on stuff, brandnames I had never heard of before.

I heard a reason for the growth of skinless, boneless, tasteless chicken parts.  Apparently the skin and bones are chopped up really fine and used to make chicken nuggets.  Remind me to stick to recognizable parts of chickens, like thigh, and breast. 

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Jefferson’s words have taken on a broader meaning over the years.


“All men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness--- 

When Jefferson wrote this he was thinking of contemporary England, which supported a heredity nobility.  Birth into a noble British family, duke, earl, marquis, knight, granted all sorts of privileges denied to commoners. 

   In 1776, in America, Jefferson was saying that there would be no American nobility; every American would have the same rights at law, the same advantages in seeking government jobs and military commissions as everyone else. 

   Move forward in time to 1865, with the Civil War won by the Union, the Emancipation Proclamation made to stick by the Civil War victory, and “All Men are created equal” was expanded to include blacks.      

   Move forward in time again to 1920, when woman’s suffrage was legalized by Constitutional amendment, and “All Men” is restored to it’s meaning of “all mankind both men AND women”, which it bore in Jefferson’s time. 

   Writing about this in 2021 it is clear to me that the meaning of “All Men are created equal” is much broader today, then when Jefferson wrote it.  This broadening is all to the good. 

Having Thanksgiving a few days early

 Daughter and Youngest Son decided to have Thanksgiving dinner with Mother.  But they came an visited me in Mittersill Sunday thru Wednesday.  We (the children actually) threw a before Thanksgiving family dinner up at the chalet.  We had John and Maggie, Carol and Zach, and all the kids.  Youngest Son wanted to do Tandoori chicken, which came out tasty, although a bit spicy.  Despite outside temperatures near freezing, and snow flurries the big Weber grill was pulled out from the garage and fired up on the deck.  The freed up the 24 inch kitchen stove for side dishes, basmati rice, cucumber salad, hot groovy bread. 

  A good time was had by all.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

It's all Paid for. Yeah Right.

 Biden's $2 TRILLION dollar (or is it $4 TRILLION?) Freebie and climate spending bill (super porkulus bill) squeaked past the house.  Democrats are saying "It won't hurt, it is all paid for".  Yeah right.  The bill authorizes the federal government to spend $2-$4 trillion dollars, which means handing out cash, or writing checks, or doing electronic funds transfers.  Right now, before the super Porkulus, federal taxes cover about 60% of federal expenses and federal borrowing covers the other 40%.  Adding $2-$4 TRILLION in federal spending will require either a solid federal tax hike (unlikely) or a lot more borrowing.   The Feds borrow money by printing and selling Treasury bonds,  T-bills, which are nearly the same as money.  Samuelson, author of the standard economics text when I was in college, called T-bills "near money".   There is a 5 day a week, 8 hours a day bond market.  Anyone can sell their T-bills for cash and get paid in two or three business days.  For the feds to borrow more, is the same as printing more dollar bills.  Inflationary that is.  So the Biden people's claim that "It's all paid for" is false, us taxpayers will have to cough up the money sooner or later.  

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Getting ready for Thanksgiving

 I have my children coming up, so I did some spiffing around the old place this Saturday.  The place was built in 1962, so it ain't new, and many would call it old.  I started out to clean the oven.  This oven is a son-of-a-gun to clean.  The lower heating element makes it impossible to clean the oven floor, unless it is removed.  So I get my set of spintites to unscrew the heating element.  Got the screws out, pulled the element forward and drew an impressive zap.  I had forgotten that one end of the heating element was always hot, even with the oven turned off.  So down to the basement to pull the stove circuit breakers.  Juice off, I tried to disconnect the two wires leading from the stove to the oven heating element.  One came off, the other refused to come off no matter what.  Best I could do is tape the heating element up out of the way.  

   So I started to clean the oven grates.  Part way thru this I noticed a lot of water building up under the kitchen sink.  Some inspection revealed a broken hold down nut-thingy under the sink.  So it's Saturday, Franconia Hardware is open, and down three mile hill I go.  Mike has the right parts, Mike has the right parts for everything.  Back up three mile hill I go.  Install the new U bend.  It leaks,  I tighten the nut-thingies with a wrench.  That manages to break the downspout.  Back down to Mike's I go.  He has a new down spout.  It's getting dark by the time I get the kitchen sink drain back together.  Then I have to finish up cleaning the oven and get the heating element back in place.  I manage, by which time it is 5 o'clock.  So I feed the cat and make myself a good stiff drink.  

Long day.

Friday, November 19, 2021

Kyle Rittenhouse trial is OVER. Thank Goodness.

 The jury acquitted Kyle on all counts.  From what I saw on TV, it did look like the people Kyle shot were really attacking him, and he shot them in self defense.  The jury saw it that way and they spent more time looking at video of the riot than I did.  Good thing for Kyle the jury was able to acquit on all charges.  Weasel juries will try to split the difference, convicting on some charges and acquitting on others.  That weasel makes the defendant guilty but the jury can point to the charges they acquitted and claim they were doing the right thing.  In Kyle's case, the jury did the right thing and acquitted him on all charges.

In this case a white teenager shoots three white rioters.  I don't see how anyone can call Kyle, or anyone else in the case a racist.    

The Kyle Rittenhouse trial was in Wisconsin.  Bill de Blasio and Mario Cuomo (New Yorkers both of 'em) had comments on the case.  What do a couple of New Yorkers know about a trial in Wisconsin??

Technological advances: the rifled musket.

 Some things move slowly.  The British Army issued a smooth bore flintlock musket, Brown Bess it was called, for nearly 100 years.  Infantry tactics were worked out.  You have your men load their muskets and fix bayonets.  You close with the enemy, very close.  Don't fire until you can see the whites of their eyes was the order given at Bunker Hill.  That's probably 20 feet, so close you cannot miss even with a smooth bore.  After firing on the enemy  you went at them with bayonet and gun butt.  Nobody got a chance to reload.  This state of affairs lasted up thru the Napoleonic wars.

   Come forward to the American Civil War.  All the new Army officers, recently pulled from civilian life, are furiously reading Jomini, Napoleon's biographer/historian.  Both Civil War armies, Union and Confederate figured Napoleon knew land warfare, he won a number of striking victories.  The Americans figured if it worked for Napoleon it ought to work for them.

There had been one important technological change since Napoleon's time.  The muskets were now rifled. The troops could open fire at 200 yards (600 feet) and get hits.  Rifling had been around for a couple of hundred years, problem was, using a round ball in a muzzle loader, it was quite difficult to force the ball down the barrel.  The ball had to be big enough to take the rifling, which meant the rifling had to cut grooves in the lead ball.  So, rifled guns were made, were used, but they were so slow to load that armies issued faster loading smooth bores.  

   The French solved the problem with the invention of the Minie ball, a lead slug with a hollow at the back.  The explosion of the gunpowder forced the hollow rear end of the bullet to expand and take the rifling.  The Minie balls were cast small enough to just drop down the muzzle, just like a smooth bore.  So now we have a rifled musket, that loads as fast as the old Brown Bess smooth bore.  And it is in mass production, issued to most of the troops at the start of the Civil War and issued to all troops by the end of the Civil War. 

    So now we consider the effect on infantry tactics.  The defender, standing his ground, can open fire when the attackers are 200 yards away.  By the time the attacker has charged 200 yards, the defenders have time to reload, at least once, and give 'em another volley.  The defenders get at least two shots for each man.  The attackers only get one.  Muzzle loaders cannot be reloaded on the run, you have to stop, stand still, to get the powder, the Minie ball, and the wad down the barrel, to say nothing of getting the percussion cap on right.

   That's what happened to Pickett's Charge.  Union infantry shot Pickett's men down before they got close enough to use the bayonet.  And something similar happened at all the Civil War battles.  Defenders always defeated attackers.  This was not supposed to happen if you had read your Jomini.

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Malwarebytes vs Word vs Win 10


Word for Windows choked up when I tried to print. Drew an error message from malwarebytes about an exploit. Uninstalled malwarebytes and Word can print again.

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Death and Taxes

 My telephone bill, just plain old telephone service, was $26.95.  Of this, $15.30, better than half, was federal tax.  It's not one tax, it is seven different taxes, designed to disguise how much Uncle is nailing me for. 

Movie the Golden Compass. 2007

 Based on a fantasy trilogy by Phillip Pullman, The Golden Compass, The Subtle Knife and The Amber Spyglass,  The books were good, they are young adult (YA) which I read as more interesting and better written than Adult Fiction.  The movie was pretty good.  Dakota Blue Richards does a fine job of playing Lyra, the main protagonist, even though she was only 13 years old at the time.  I thought she did more for the movie than Nicole Kidman or Daniel Craig.

   It is too bad that they never made movies from the other two books of the trilogy.  It could have been mediocre earnings from the Golden Compass.  From a budget if $180 million, they only made $70 million in the US and Canada.  Worldwide earnings were better, $370 million, so they should have made a fair amount of money on the Golden Compass. 

Monday, November 15, 2021


 Way back when, long before the US Civil War of 1860, slavery was confined to the Southern colonies which would form the confederacy for the Civil War.  The North was into small farms owned and operated by free men.  The big slave worked plantations were a Southern phenomenon.  And the two systems did not interact much. 

   Starting back in the early 1700’s a feeling began to grow in the North that slavery was unfair, cruel, and close to a mortal sin.  Abolition it was called later.  For the Revolution, this feeling was submerged, all hands North and South, understood that to beat the Redcoats we Americans needed unity in the face of the enemy and we could not afford the political strains that abolition would bring, at least not until we had won the Revolution. 

After the Revolution abolition grew apace.  A lot of protestant preachers spoke in favor.  Uncle Tom’s Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe became a best seller, selling nearly as many copies as the Bible.  The Republican Party was created to push abolition.  When the Republicans elected Abraham Lincoln in 1860, the Southern states seceded from the Union.  When the South fired upon Fort Sumter the Civil War was on.  If the south had just let Major Andersen’s Fort Sumter garrison continue manning their guns, the North might well have let the South secede in peace.  But after the South fired on the Union flag, the North sprang to arms,  It took 600,000 casualties, more that all we suffered in all the other wars we ever fought to win the Civil War and free all the slaves. 

   We didn't fight the Civil War for white supremacy.  We fought it for freedom and liberty. 

DISH. Slow and a little flaky

 I got tired of Spectrum's endless price hiking and switched to DISH.  DISH works, most of the time.  The data rate is plenty fast enough for me.  What is slow is switching from one web site to another.  I fear this works by your system transmitting a request for change up to the satellite, and waiting for the satellite to respond.  Since every DISH owner in North America is transmitting requests up to the poor over burdened satellites, it is not surprising that some of the requests get lost and have to be re-transmitted.  When two requests to the satellite arrive at the same time, they jam each other and other requests must be re-transmitted.  Net result, it takes DISH noticeable longer to switch to a new web site than cable modem Spectrum.  

Disk comes with a massive video box which has instructions so complex I have not mastered them yet.  And the video box ("Hopper") occasionally dies.  If I cycle power and wait long enough (several hours last night) the video comes back.  

Sunday, November 14, 2021

Is a Lush Beard a Signal of Having More Testosterone?

 Title of a piece on the Web.  Actually since many (most?) guys shave their faces every morning, it is hard to believe that a beard is attractive to chicks, or anyone else.  If they were, more guys would grow beards. Or that a beard is a mark of better genes or more testosterone or anything else other than being a guy.  And I have never heard a Darwinian (or any other science based argument) about why guys grow beards and chicks don't.

2 1/4 inches of snow in the Notch

First real snow of this winter.  It ain't enough to open Cannon, but it helps.

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Dark Matter could be Macho's rather than WIMPs

Astronomers discovered a free planet, some 100 light years away.  It's a sizeable beast, several times the size of Jupiter and way out in free space, no star anywhere close.  Free planets are very hard to see since they lack a sun to light them up.  This one was detected by its infra red emissions.  

Are free planets the "Massive Halo Objects" (Macho's) of the missing mass discussion?  We are pretty such that the universe needs more mass, a lot more mass, than we can see glowing in the night sky.   This bit of knowledge comes from watching galaxies rotate.  Speed of rotation depends upon mass of the galaxy.  Heavier galaxies have to rotation faster to create enough centrifugal force to prevent the stars from getting sucked down into the galaxy center.  This bit of physics comes to us from Isaac Newton and is taught in freshman college physics.  That is where I learned it. 

   The mass of the galaxies was estimated by counting all the stars in the galaxy and assuming that the stars were of average mass.  Doing this came up short of mass, a lot short, say one or two times the observed (luminous) mass.  Two solutions were suggested.  There might be a new sub atomic particle with mass like a proton but as hard to detect as a neutrino.  This was dubbing Weakly Interacting Massive Particle (wimp for short).  This came up shortly after the Higgs boson was discovered, leaving a lot of particle accelerators and accelerator physicists looking for something to do.  The other idea was a "Massive Halo Object" (Macho for short).  

This newly discovered free planet is a Massive Halo Object.  There might be more, they are hard to detect so there might be a lot more.  Question:  How many free planets would there have to be to furnish the missing mass?  Is it a reasonable number?  Or is the required number so high that we would have noticed free planets zipping by the earth already?

Friday, November 12, 2021

Wind blew hard all night. Leaves are gone

 As late as yesterday we still had  fine crop of colorful leaves on the trees.  The wind blew hard all last night, and this morning the leaves are mostly gone, blowing across the road and my lawn in flurries.  We are into the bare tree winter look. 

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Veteran's Day

 The TV (at least Fox News) is making a bigger deal out of Veteran's day than they used to.  I'm a veteran, so this is just fine by me. 

Kyle Rittenouse Trial on TV

 What I see on TV is bad, bad, bad.  Kyle Rittenhouse, a teenager, 17 years back than, 18 now was at the Kinosha riot.  Wound up shooting three rioters with his AR-15.  He is on trial for murder.  He is naturally claiming self defense.  To me, the prosecution wants to be proving that Kyle shot three innocent bystanders.  Instead the prosecutors have been talking about Kyle obtaining the rifle when state law requires you to be 18 to buy a rifle, (a misdemeanor, where as murder is far more serious).  And a discussion about bullets, full metal jacket versus soft nose bullets.  To which the proper answer (which Kyle did not think of) is "all bullets are deadly", rather than a gun magazine discussion of the merits of various bullet types.  And today a long discussion about video imaging techniques, what happens when a video image is enlarged.  To which the proper answer (which was NOT giver) is "Video imaging technology changes, a lot, from month to month and I have no idea what technology was used on this particular image. 

Way to stay in office. Have a scary bad vice president.


Every time anyone thinks about impeaching Biden, they immediately think of Kamala Harris succeeding Biden. Everyone thinks that bad as Biden is, Harris is worse. So nobody talks about impeaching Biden. So we just grin and bear it. We might be able to elect a good solid republican majority in the House and the Senate next year. Let's hope American voters are up for voting in Republicans.

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Road Runner bites the dust.


My email account got deleted and all the posts there in are gone.  If you have sent me an email in the last ten days, I have not seen it.  If it is important, could you please resend it.  Roadrunner, my ex-email provider of some 15 years offered no reasons for deleting my email account. 

Anyhow, I have a new email provider, yahoo.com.  Which makes my email address dstarrboston@yahoo.com.  I would be obliged if you all could update your email lists.  Thanks in advance.  Sorry about the inconvenience.  And I will not be using road runner for anything ever again.

Monday, November 8, 2021

Govt Bond swings burn Wall St Investors

 Front page headline from the Monday Wall St Journal.  Turning to page A2, we have a couple of graphs for yields on 2 year and 10 year bonds.  The 2 year bond yield peaks out at 0.6%.  What is a Wall St investor doing messing around with a 0.6% yielding security.  Just about any stock will yield 6 %, ten times as much over a year.  I'd say those Wall St investors got burned by intense stupidity rather than bond market swings. 

Let's elect some Republicans to Congress

 We have seen the democrat party give us Joe Biden.  He has not been a good president, in fact he is a disaster.  New Hampshire right now has all four of its Congressional seats filled by democrats.  They have cast votes that hurt their constituents, such as voting down the Keystone XL pipeline which would bring economical crude oil from a friendly country (Canada) to American refineries to be turned into gasoline and heating oil.  Killing Keystone XL has contributed to $3.40 a gallon for gasoline, and worse for heating oil.  

New Hampshire could elect 2 Republicans to the House, which would cut Pelosi's vote margin down from five to three.  We could elect a Republican senator who by himself (herself) , give the Republicans control of the Senate.  

What is keeping us???

Saturday, November 6, 2021

Cell Phone Battery Life

 I try to carry my cell phone everywhere, in case I fall down, or the car breaks down stranding me on I93, or you name the disaster.  My children all informed me that venturing out of the house, or even out of bed without a cell phone was a life risking activity.  It's a low end Sam Sung, model AM01.  I bought it after Tracfone announced that they would no longer support the even lower end Tracfone I had been using.  I got into the habit of plugging the SamSung into the charger when I went to bed in the evening.  Smart phone would give a chirp and display battery charge, 80-90%, in short, using up 10-20% of battery power for just sitting in my shirt pocket, not making any calls.  

   The charger ran into trouble and stopped charging.  I noticed the battery charge going down, reaching 7%.  I messed around on the keyboard, settings has a "battery" option now (it did not back when I got the phone)  and it offered a "max battery saving" option, which I took.  I also had a good look at the charger, which has a strange internal connector which had become disconnected.  Plugged the charger back together and it started to charge again. 

After a day or so I noticed that the battery was at 100% when I plugged it into the charger in the evening.  "Max battery saving" was doing some good,  the phone was claiming 8 days and a few hours worth of battery charge. That is a goodness.  I have had some lengthy power outages up here, but the worst was only six days.  That was back before cell phones.  So, on "max battery save" my cell phone ought to ride out the worst power failures I will ever suffer up here.  The max battery save mode gains much of its saving from doing the screen white letters on a black background, instead of vice versa. That way the battery only has to light the few pixels in the letters, rather than every pixel on the whole screen.  I find the screen easier to read the white on black background mode.  It also claims to have shut down some applications doing who knows what behind my back.  Anyhow, if you are running a low end Samsung phone, try the max battery save option. 

Infrastructure/Pork bill passed the House.

 The bill is now trimmed down to a mere $1TRILLION.  It started out at $2.5 TRILLION.  So at least some trimming happened.  I think half of it is actually infrastructure and the other half pork and freebies.  Thirteen House Republicans (RINOs) voted to pass this democrat bill.  We ought to find out their names and districts and make sure they have opponents in the primary.  It's not clear to me if this bill needs to go to the Senate, or go right to Biden for signature and become law immediately.  

   And Congress has a second bill for $3.5 TRILLION or perhaps more, that is all pork and freebies to be voted upon this month.

Friday, November 5, 2021

USS Connecticut, Seawolf Class Nuclear Sub collides with sea mount

 Accident happened in the South China Sea back on 2 October this year (2021).  The sea mount was described as "uncharted".  The Navy relieved the captain, the executive officer and the chief of the boat. Amount of damage is undetermined, at least by civilians like me.  Must have been pretty bad, 11 crewmen were hurt (not seriously) and Connecticut traveled from the collision site to Guam on the surface.  There is talk about returning her to Bremerton Washington for repairs that might take a year or more.  

   This is the first I heard of this.  Chalk another one up for the MSM.  I came across it websurfing at the US Naval Institute site.  USNI has been around for 60 years that I know of, and probably a lot more, and I consider them highly reliable.  They were the publishing house that published Tom Clancy's first best seller, Hunt for Red October, after all the regular publishers refused to touch Clancy's masterpiece.  Sea Wolf was the last cold war nuclear sub design, so advanced that it was considered worth two or three ordinary nuclear attack subs.  They are expensive, we only built three of them since the Cold War ended.  They got named USS Sea Wolf, USS Jimmy Carter and USS Connecticut.  Dunno how the Navy got the Jimmy Carter name thru Congress.  Surely these Sea Wolf class nuclear attack subs would be VERY useful for stopping a Chinese invasion of Taiwan.  Well we have one less of them now. 

   Just how Connecticut managed to clip that sea mount is unclear.  How deep was the South China Sea at the point and how deep was Connecticut running?  Was it me, I would allow a thousand feet or more between my sub and the bottom, at least for peace time exercises, and in a poorly charted place like the South China Sea.

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Buying at retail for this Christmas.

 I did it.  Last few Christmases I ordered everyone's Christmas present off the Internet.  This Christmas I went to LaHoute's ski shop in Littleton and came way with gloves, hats, and shirts.  Then I did the Little Book Store on Main St and came away with toys for grand neices and grand nephews.  I had a Christmas wrap session and I am now ready for Christmas.  Bring it on St Nick.

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Biden is reported to have nothings to say about the Virginia election

 Jeez, What can he say?  His party took a big loss in Virginia.  What is there that any Democrat can say about it that sounds half way intelligent?


 Glenn Youngkin has claimed victory just a little after midnight.  And the Republicans have won the lieutenant governor and attorney general races.  Margin of victory was thin, 2 or 3 %, but better than nothing in a long time democrat state.  I wish the new Republican government of Virginia all the best luck in the world.  This Republican win will certainly strike fear into the hearts of democrats about the 2022 midterm elections. 

Self Driving Cars

 All the car manufacturers are working on this product, some claim to have one that works already. Question:  Would you buy a self driving car?  Would you feel safe riding in one?  Me, I would not trust a microprocessor to handle Rte 128 rush hour traffic.  Especially when it snows. 

Monday, November 1, 2021

Booster shots?


Booster shots? I got my two vaccinations with the Moderna vaccine back in February and March of this year. The TV has been talking about booster shots for people like me. (I am well over 65) The talk was that CDC or FDA was looking into it and would let us know what was what. Some time has gone by and our ever vigilant and hard working bureaucrats have done nothing yet. My doctor was reluctant to recommend something that had not approved the the government. A proper attitude for doctors and just about anyone else. Anyhow I have not heard of FDA or CDC approving Moderna booster shots. I might have missed it, but I have been looking for it.
If the government OKed Moderna booster shots and my doctor said they would be good for me, I would go out and get one. Otherwise, wait and see.

Virginia Election

 Fox gave good long interviews to both McAuliffe and Youngkin.  I call it even steven, even though Fox is a Republican media.  Youngkin sounded really good, talked about concrete things he would do, starting with throwing critical race theory out of the public schools.  McAuliffe not so good, he used a lot of political bafflegab, and then started trashing his opponent, calling him a racist, a Trump stooge, and I forget what else, but it was not complimentary, or fair.  Polls are indecisive, one poll puts Youngkin 8 points ahead, another poll puts the election even.  We will know something in a couple of days.