“Passed” or “passed away”. It’s all over the tube this weekend in connection with Tony Snow. Why can’t the TV people just say “died”?
This blog posts about aviation, automobiles, electronics, programming, politics and such other subjects as catch my interest. The blog is based in northern New Hampshire, USA
Monday, July 14, 2008
They don’t do car ads they was they used to
I’m watching a short clip on “Speed” the car lover’s cable channel. The camera pans back and forth over a Ferrari 3300. The hood is raised, we see the fine Italian power plant, the manual transmission, the suspension parts, in short the nuts and bolts of this hot car. Then we get some shots on the road. For a point of difference, this particular Ferrari is painted grey, rather than the proper red, but the nondescript color lets the good lines of the styling show to advantage. Bottom line, after watching a 5 minute TV show/infomercial I am ready to own and drive a Ferrari.
The show cuts to commercial. A camera looks down on a blue car pulled into the gas pumps. We watch the fuel hose slip out of the fill pipe and slink down to let the air out of the rear tire. “Gas pumps hate us” “Chevrolet Cobalt” and “36 MPG” float across the screen. Cute, but it doesn’t sell the car to me, not the way the Ferrari piece sold that Ferrari. The top camera angle shows little of the vehicle. I’m left wondering “is that carWall Streeter opines upon the sub prime mortgage disaster
Ethan Penner, “a pioneer in real estate finance” shared his thinking with us on yesterday’s Wall St Journal op-ed page. He laments the fall of “securitization” and the business model for large sections of
Then Mr. Penner explains the difficulties doing thirty year mortgages with depositor’s funds with can be withdrawn at will. He blames the 1980’s savings and loan (S&L) disaster on depositors withdrawing their money from the S&L’s. In actual fact, the S&L’s went broke after Congress repealed the laws that restricted S&L’s to doing home mortgages. They used this new freedom to play the stock and commodities markets. Being unsophisticated newbies, the S&L’s got taken to the cleaners by sharp/dishonest salesmen. In the real world, a bank, even a junior bank like an S&L, can increase deposits by paying depositors higher interest.
Mr. Penner’s suggests a new system where the bank keeps owner ship of the mortgage, and issues some sort of trick bond to raise cash to do more mortgages. He doesn’t understand that, with or without trickery, such a bond works just like the ordinary bonds issued by ordinary companies every day. Investors buy ordinary corporate bonds based on the reputation of the issuer and the interest rate promised. The “securitized mortgage bonds” that fueled the sub prime lending spree, and of which Mr. Penner is so fond, were “backed” by the mortgages. Starting last summer, investors learned that the “backing” was worth no more than the underlying mortgages were worth, and surprise surprise, those mortgages turned out to be worthless.
A basic fact of mortgage lending, the lender has to borrow the funds for LESS interest than that charged for the mortgage. Today my local band is offering 30 year fixed rate mortgages for 6 and a fraction %. That means no way can an investor in mortgages make more than 6 and a fraction %. Mr. Penner states that investors could earn mid to high teens and that wasn’t very appetizing. This is the sort of thing a mortgage backed security salesman might say.
One Man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter
Taxpayer funded National Public Radio (NPR) is calling the FARC “rebels” rather than terrorists. Doesn’t matter that FARC has been kidnapping for ransom, holding hostages chained to jungle trees for years, drug dealing, and murdering anyone who gets in their way. Doesn’t matter that the government of
Let’s hope the Columbian armed forces are able to defeat the FARC in short order.
The Price of Gasoline is going down
Heard that on the BBC just this evening. Wonder what world they are reporting from?
Let’s Move to France
The clock radio came on as usual this morning, tuned to NPR. I let it play for a while before facing up to the awfulness of getting out of bed. The commentator was waxing lyrical about the French health care system. He talked and talked, and he made
Except he failed to mention a single number. Such as the life expectancy and infant mortality rates in
The Europeans only spend 8% of GNP on health care, half what we spend. But NPR didn’t mention this fact, and said nothing about any possible restrictions upon expensive treatments this might cause. This reporter was convinced the French have it right and the Americans have it wrong without bothering to explain to us listeners why he felt this way.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Aviation Week calls for Air Force Cleanup
They mention the recent Boeing-EADS tanker procurement fiasco, the not-so-recent Boeing tanker lease problem, the two protests over the award of the combat search and rescue copter, the loose nuclear weapons blunder, serious cost overruns on satellite programs. Then there is crony linked contract to promote the Thunderbirds, and charges of religious proselytizing at the Air Force Academy. And footdragging in supplying unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) support to the ground forces in Iraq. The iceing on the cake was lobbying Congress to fund more F22 fighters after the Administration had decided to put the money into things of real use in the real war we are fighting.
That last got the Defense Secretary to fire both the Chief of Staff, and the Secretary of the Air Force. Aviation Week is calling for more blood, namely firing the officers responsible for the other screwups.