The old advice for taking multiple guess tests, like SAT. The answer with the most qualifications (longest and strongest) is more likely to be right. "C" comes from the observation that the test makers don't like to place the right answer first (A) or last (D).
Heard a piece on NPR this morning. Someone digitized the last twenty years of the Congressional Record. They didn't say just how this super tedious chore was accomplished. Text scanning I hope. Keyboarding that much pure political drivel rates as cruel and unusual punishment in my book.
Anyhow, the researcher ran all the congresscritter's speeches thru a school grading program that rated the maturity of the writing on a grade scale (12th grade, 11th grade, and so on). Back in the good old days, the average speech used vocabulary and sentence structure on the 11th grade level. In the decadent present day, the average has sunk to the 10th grade level. Woe to the Republic.
It was revealed that the grading program looked at sentence length and use of fancy vocabulary, with longer and stronger rating higher. Funny, they taught me that good writing uses short declarative active voice sentences, and short strong Anglo Saxon root words, rather than the longer and weaker Latin root words.
Perhaps the Congresscritters are actually getting better at speechmaking?
Woe to the students whose teachers use that grading program.
This blog posts about aviation, automobiles, electronics, programming, politics and such other subjects as catch my interest. The blog is based in northern New Hampshire, USA
Monday, May 21, 2012
Speculators and the Volcker Rule
No English language definitions of speculation or the Volcker Rule exist.
Buying and selling things when the writer dislikes the deal is speculation. Buying and selling things when the writer likes the deal is prudent investing. Like and dislike is personal and subjective. Deals that loose money are likely to be dubbed speculative. Deals in foreign currency, derivatives, sub prime mortgages and short sales are more likely to be called speculative than deal in stocks and bonds.
The Volcker Rule forbids some bank trading in the stock market and other places. It permits some bank trading. The differences between forbidden and permitted trading have never been spelled out in words. Some say that the Volcker Rule prohibits speculation.
Buying and selling things when the writer dislikes the deal is speculation. Buying and selling things when the writer likes the deal is prudent investing. Like and dislike is personal and subjective. Deals that loose money are likely to be dubbed speculative. Deals in foreign currency, derivatives, sub prime mortgages and short sales are more likely to be called speculative than deal in stocks and bonds.
The Volcker Rule forbids some bank trading in the stock market and other places. It permits some bank trading. The differences between forbidden and permitted trading have never been spelled out in words. Some say that the Volcker Rule prohibits speculation.
Advice for Parents paying for college
Or, students paying for college for that matter.
Advice 1: Don't enter college right after high school. Instead get out in the real world, get a job (easier said than done today) or join the service, hike the Appalachian trail, hitchhike across the country, anything but sit in classrooms. After 12 years of solid school, most student's motivation is exhausted. With little real world experience to anchor them, college freshmen are suckers for all the weird ideology pushed by college profs. College will be a much more meaningful experience, and your grades will be much better after a year or two out of school and out in the real world.
Advice 2: Pick a real major, one that is of some economic use and that requires you to actual learn stuff. Engineering, computer science, physics, biology, chemistry, math, business administration. Avoid gender studies, race studies, sociology, political science, theater, these are of no value to anyone after graduation.
Be aware that majors in Astronomy, English, history, art, and music lead only to careers in teaching. OK if that's what you want to do. If you like students, and are willing to put up with the sheer boredom of education classes, teaching can be rewarding for many. But for many more, teaching can loose its allure after a few semesters. Think over carefully. Same goes for an education major. Super boring, but mandatory to get a job in the public schools. Totally worthless outside the public school system.
Beware that geology, although a real science, is a favorite with football players because it doesn't use any mathematics. There are some jobs with the oil companies, but the field is not large. Think over carefully.
Advice 1: Don't enter college right after high school. Instead get out in the real world, get a job (easier said than done today) or join the service, hike the Appalachian trail, hitchhike across the country, anything but sit in classrooms. After 12 years of solid school, most student's motivation is exhausted. With little real world experience to anchor them, college freshmen are suckers for all the weird ideology pushed by college profs. College will be a much more meaningful experience, and your grades will be much better after a year or two out of school and out in the real world.
Advice 2: Pick a real major, one that is of some economic use and that requires you to actual learn stuff. Engineering, computer science, physics, biology, chemistry, math, business administration. Avoid gender studies, race studies, sociology, political science, theater, these are of no value to anyone after graduation.
Be aware that majors in Astronomy, English, history, art, and music lead only to careers in teaching. OK if that's what you want to do. If you like students, and are willing to put up with the sheer boredom of education classes, teaching can be rewarding for many. But for many more, teaching can loose its allure after a few semesters. Think over carefully. Same goes for an education major. Super boring, but mandatory to get a job in the public schools. Totally worthless outside the public school system.
Beware that geology, although a real science, is a favorite with football players because it doesn't use any mathematics. There are some jobs with the oil companies, but the field is not large. Think over carefully.
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Spending Cuts first, tax hikes later
Congressman Ryan of budget fame was on Meet the Press this morning. David Gregory and some democratic senator were all over him for dreadful budget cuts, "austerity" and the need for a "balanced" (i.e. tax hike) approach. Ryan replied that his budget still spent 3% more than last year, as opposed to Obama's budget which would spend 4.5% more than last year.
Ryan will spend 3% more? With the economy growing at less than 3%? Arrgh.
Remember that real cuts only occur when we spend LESS than last year. If we spend more than last year, they are fake cuts. Ryan is proposing fake cuts and the dems are still trashing him.
Once we grant a benefit to some one, its nearly impossible to take it away. So just to prove we can do it, we need to do some cuts. Only after we cut the Federal budget back to 17% of GNP will I consider raising taxes to balance the budget. If we cannot do the cuts in Congress, let's allow pure lack of dough to do them for us. And pure lack of dough is coming.
Any tax hike just delays the necessary cuts.
Ryan will spend 3% more? With the economy growing at less than 3%? Arrgh.
Remember that real cuts only occur when we spend LESS than last year. If we spend more than last year, they are fake cuts. Ryan is proposing fake cuts and the dems are still trashing him.
Once we grant a benefit to some one, its nearly impossible to take it away. So just to prove we can do it, we need to do some cuts. Only after we cut the Federal budget back to 17% of GNP will I consider raising taxes to balance the budget. If we cannot do the cuts in Congress, let's allow pure lack of dough to do them for us. And pure lack of dough is coming.
Any tax hike just delays the necessary cuts.
Of dandelions that is. Growing season is upon us, the grass is in high gear and the weeds are trying to keep up. The rain stopped and a couple of dozen golden dandelion blossoms bloomed, attempting to attract pollinating insects. Inside they attracted the homeowner, who plucked the whole plant up by its roots. About ten minutes of walking and plucking, and the lawn was pure green. Got 'em all before they went to seed.
No agent orange, no pricey chemical lawn care.
No agent orange, no pricey chemical lawn care.
Friday, May 18, 2012
Greeks Mouth Off.
Alexis Tsipras, head of the Greek hard left coalition Syriza, and who may well become prime minister if his coalition does well in the next Greek election, said he sees little chance that Europe will cut off giving money to Greece, but if they do, Athens will stop making payments on its loans. And a financial collapse in Greece will drag down the rest of the Euro zone.
Is Alexis that stupid 'cause he's Greek, or 'cause he's a lefty?
The Europeans can stop giving free money to Greece anytime. When the Greeks stop making payments to European lenders, the Europeans can just give the money they were gonna give the Greeks direct to the lenders. If the lenders, European investors and banks, cry hard enough, the Germans will bail them out, just this once. The Greeks already gave the lenders a 75% haircut last month, what's a second pass with the clippers mean after that?
As soon as the Europeans stop paying, the Greeks are in real trouble. They don't have enough tax revenue to pay all the pensioners and government workers and suppliers. They will have to print IOU's, or drachma's to keep things going. Any Greek with two braincells firing, ought to be dropping by his bank and drawing all his money out, in Euro's, while he still can. Because pretty soon the government will tell the banks, you are going to drachmas. Don't pay out any more Euros to anyone, give 'em these nice fresh crisp hot-off-the-press drachma's instead. That's what we call a run on the banks, and the Greeks are only two inches away from having one.
Greece is a narrow gauge side show. The rest of Europe can manage just fine without them. A Greek default on their debts would be an annoyance but not a body blow. The Greeks would do well to understand that. There is no provision in the Euro constitution, or common Christian charity that compels giving money to deadbeats.
Is Alexis that stupid 'cause he's Greek, or 'cause he's a lefty?
The Europeans can stop giving free money to Greece anytime. When the Greeks stop making payments to European lenders, the Europeans can just give the money they were gonna give the Greeks direct to the lenders. If the lenders, European investors and banks, cry hard enough, the Germans will bail them out, just this once. The Greeks already gave the lenders a 75% haircut last month, what's a second pass with the clippers mean after that?
As soon as the Europeans stop paying, the Greeks are in real trouble. They don't have enough tax revenue to pay all the pensioners and government workers and suppliers. They will have to print IOU's, or drachma's to keep things going. Any Greek with two braincells firing, ought to be dropping by his bank and drawing all his money out, in Euro's, while he still can. Because pretty soon the government will tell the banks, you are going to drachmas. Don't pay out any more Euros to anyone, give 'em these nice fresh crisp hot-off-the-press drachma's instead. That's what we call a run on the banks, and the Greeks are only two inches away from having one.
Greece is a narrow gauge side show. The rest of Europe can manage just fine without them. A Greek default on their debts would be an annoyance but not a body blow. The Greeks would do well to understand that. There is no provision in the Euro constitution, or common Christian charity that compels giving money to deadbeats.
Who's afraid of the big bad algorithm?
Not me. But some newsie on NPR is afraid one is gonna conquer the world. She was talking about Netflix and their movie recommendations, all made by computer. Not that I think Netflix's recommendations are extra ordinary, but occasionally they do steer me onto a good flick. The newsie feared that improvements in the the "algorithm" would yield a killer app that could read minds, violate civil liberties, and put Skynet in charge of the world.
Not to worry. First of all, the algorithm Netflix uses is trivial. Algorithm means procedure. As an example, consider a popular algorithm to find square roots. It goes like this, guess what the root might be. Square your guess and compare it with the original number. If the squared guess is too big, try a smaller guess, conversely if the squared guess is too small, try a bigger guess. Repeat until the squared guess is close enough to the original number. Code this algorithm in your favorite computer language, and you have a program to find square roots.
What Netflix does is ask us viewers which movies we like. Then it looks to find other movies that are like the ones we like. To do this you need a list of all the movies in Netflix, and to go with each movie , we need some properties. Such as type (western, war movie, musical, costume drama, animated, etc) cast (actor and actress who play in the movie), director, rating (G, PG, R ...), year released, color or black & white, and so on. All the computer does is look for movies that match the properties of the movies the customer likes. This is a database of movies. The Netflix "algorithm" is merely find movies with properties as close as possible to the properties of the customer's liked movies. For a computer guy, that's a straightforward bit of coding.
What makes it work well is the database. Especially if we can define some more properties. Amount of violence, and sexiness come immediately to mind, but there must be more. The more well chosen and well defined properties in the data base, the better the match.
But it's the database that makes Netflix work, the algorithm is trivial.
Not to worry. First of all, the algorithm Netflix uses is trivial. Algorithm means procedure. As an example, consider a popular algorithm to find square roots. It goes like this, guess what the root might be. Square your guess and compare it with the original number. If the squared guess is too big, try a smaller guess, conversely if the squared guess is too small, try a bigger guess. Repeat until the squared guess is close enough to the original number. Code this algorithm in your favorite computer language, and you have a program to find square roots.
What Netflix does is ask us viewers which movies we like. Then it looks to find other movies that are like the ones we like. To do this you need a list of all the movies in Netflix, and to go with each movie , we need some properties. Such as type (western, war movie, musical, costume drama, animated, etc) cast (actor and actress who play in the movie), director, rating (G, PG, R ...), year released, color or black & white, and so on. All the computer does is look for movies that match the properties of the movies the customer likes. This is a database of movies. The Netflix "algorithm" is merely find movies with properties as close as possible to the properties of the customer's liked movies. For a computer guy, that's a straightforward bit of coding.
What makes it work well is the database. Especially if we can define some more properties. Amount of violence, and sexiness come immediately to mind, but there must be more. The more well chosen and well defined properties in the data base, the better the match.
But it's the database that makes Netflix work, the algorithm is trivial.
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