Monday, April 28, 2014

Just one more thing for Republicans

Stop the NSA snooping of cell phones, all phones for that matter. 
   "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probably cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized." Article IV.  The "oath or affirmation" was language acceptable to the Quakers, who refused to take oaths as a matter of religious principle.  Quakers would "affirm" their testimony, but would not testify under oath. 
  NSA is violating every clause of Article IV.  They have no Warrant.  They have no probably cause. Snooping every cell phone in the country is not "particularly describing the place to be searched".
  It's creepy to know that government can check every person I ever telephoned, and probably where I was when I placed the call.  Your (or my) political enemies could troll thru this record looking for dirt.  Just accepting a phone call from some scum bag could do your rep, and your chances of winning an election, a lot of harm.  How often have you picked up your phone and found some slimey robocaller on the line?

But they won't vote Republican

The Washington Examiner has a story about the Laborers International union, which naturally favors Keystone XL.  The Examiner cites union outrage over the Obama administrations latest stall on the pipeline.  But, despite outrage, the 557,000 member union never says to its membership "Vote a straight Republican ticket, that will get us Keystone XL and keep us off unemployment."   Here is a clear cut case where Republicans can help the union but the union people cannot drop their lifelong loyalty to the democrats.  These are clearly instinct voters, not thinking voters. 
  The Examiner goes on to explain the role of hedge fund billionaire Tom Steyer, who gave $50 million to Obama, and promised to raise another $50 million.  Obama clearly values the $100 million more than he values 557,000 live and voting union members.  I guess he figures they are all dumb enough to vote democratic no matter what. 

Sunday, April 27, 2014

The Big Enchilada, jobs, jobs, and more jobs.

And everyone likes this one.  Turn the economy around, get hiring people, have jobs for everyone, enough jobs that workers can quit companies they don't like and be able to find another job.  That will bring wages up. 
   But to win the election, the GOP has to spell out HOW it is going to achieve this nirvana.  Voters want specifics.  Such as:
1.  Start the Keystone XL pipeline.  It will get crude oil shipments off the rails and into a pipe.  It brings oil in from one of our closest allies.  It will lower the price of gasoline and furnace oil.  It will allow US export of fuels to our friends around the world.
2. Repeal Sarbanes Oxley.  This 1000 page law is welfare for lawyers, an intolerable burden on companies, and has driven merger and acquisition business out of New York.  Getting rid of Sarbanes Oxley will make it easier to run a business, and business is what employs people. 
3.  Repeal Dodd Frank.  Another 1000 page law, welfare for lawyers.  Dodd Frank sets up ways for taxpayers to bail out firms "too big to fail".  Replace Dodd Frank with some anti trust action, any company too big to fail is clearly a trust, and needs to be busted.  Dodd Frank tells Wall St speculators that they can take any sort of risk, when things go bad Uncle will bail you out. 
4.  Reform corporate income tax.  For instance, money earned overseas should not be subject to US income tax.  Companies that make money overseas should be free to bring the money back to the US and spend it.  Right now Uncle takes 35% of every dollar brought home from overseas.  At this rate, it makes sense to leave the money in overseas banks earning a couple a percent rather than investing it back here at home.  And, that 35% corporate tax rate is the highest in the industrial world.  No wonder companies are sending jobs overseas, the taxes are lower. 
 5.  Reform the US patent system.  Right now no one can bring any new product to market without some patent troll suing for patent infringement as soon as the product makes a little money.  Look are the $600 million award against Blackberry some years ago.  Blackberry is filing for bankruptcy today.  Patents are granted for ridiculous things, like whether it takes one click or two clicks to place something in an internet shopping basket.  This constant threat of mickey mouse lawsuits makes getting a start up company off the ground harder.  It's the start ups  that employ people. 
6.  Remind every one that a $10 minimum wage doesn't put more money in worker's pockets, instead  it throws them out of work.
7.  Repeal the "Corporate Average Fuel Economy" (CAFE) requirements.  Four dollar a gallon gasoline is all the incentive anyone needs to build fuel efficient vehicles.  The current CAFE requirement of nearly 50 mpg makes new cars ridiculously expensive, leading to lower car sales and people refurbishing old cars to keep them running longer. 

Saturday, April 26, 2014

And, the GOP needs a platform for young people

The young voters are heavy internet users.  They all believe that everything should be free.  They want to download music, movies, ebooks, you name it, for free.   There are some things we could do to make interneting  more harmonious.
   First, rewrite copy right law.  Current copyright runs for the life of the author plus seventy years.  We ought to cut that back to fourteen or seventeen years, like it used to be.  That would take all the good pop music off copyright and allow downloading legally.  My children's ipads are stocked with the great songs I remember fondly from my college years.  That was more than seventeen years ago.  The kids would love this.  The labels hate the idea.  Labels don't vote.
  Then repeal the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, which permits all sorts of legal bullying by Hollywood and the labels. The kids would love this.  Hollywood and the labels hate it.  They don't vote.
  Then repeal the age 21 drinking law that MADD rod rodded thru Congress twenty years ago.  Make drinking age a matter of state law.  The kids would love this.  And, it would increase safety.  Colleges ought to operate on-campus pubs.  Students would prefer sipping a few, at a place where their friends might be.  After having a few, they can walk back to dorm.  Much safer than driving back to campus after a party.   Not sure just who is against this idea, but someone is.
   Social security and medicare reform.  Most young people figure these programs will be gone long before they get eligible for them.  They would be fine with some modest trim backs of benefits.  They see FICA taking a big whack out of their paychecks, and they don't see any payback for themselves.  They see it as a tax on them to support the elderly. 

Friday, April 25, 2014

Republicans need a platform to win this year

Despite all the pundits claiming this is a Republican year due to misteps by the Obama Adminstration, I am worried.  In 2012 Obama carried the women's vote by 10%.  That was enough to win the election coast to coast.  Women are half the voters.   Republicans do poorly with young voters, and that can be fatal.  As the seniors die off, the young voters take their places and if they are all democrats, we can kiss the GOP goodby.
   Let's talk about women voters first.  The Republicans need to get off the pro-life thing.  For every pro-life voter we gain, we lose a young woman who fears getting pregnant and not being able to stop it.  The party needs to stop backing all those little laws that chip away at abortion.  The party doesn't need to switch over to a pro-choice stance, it just needs to stop talking about it.  The ardent pro-life people will whine and cry, but in the end they will vote Republican.  And a lot of younger women will too.
   Health Care is a top issue with women, they are the caregivers who take the children to the pediatrician.  Unlike men, women are more likely to go to the doctor when something hurts.  Men are more apt to just tough it out, not wanting to loose pay or appear soft.  So healthcare counts, big time with women.  Obamacare is disliked by the majority of voters.  But the Republicans have not offered an Obamacare replacement, probably because they cannot agree on what it ought to be.  And Republican leadership has failed to get the party together on a plan, probably fearing that whatever they propose the media will savage them on it. 
   We ought to propose freedom for insurance companies.  Any insurance company licensed to do business by any state in the union, is free to sell insurance in all fifty states.  Right now, to sell insurance you have to get a license from the state you are selling in.  To jump thru fifty sets of paperwork hoops  to get licensed in fifty different states is beyond any company.  So a lot of states, like New Hampshire, only have ONE insurance company doing business in the state.   And, monopoly leads to price gouging.   Voters would love the idea.  Insurance companies hate it.  Insurance companies don't vote. 
   We ought to propose freedom to import drugs.  Any drug approved by the health authorities of decent first world countries (Canada, England, France, Germany, and some others) may be imported duty free and sold by drug stores.  This would drop the price of prescription drugs a lot.  Voters would love the idea.  Drug companies hate the idea.  Drug companies don't vote. 
   We need to clamp down on malpractice suits.  Right now every doctor has to pay $100,000 a year for malpractice insurance, unless he wants to be sued into poverty.  This is largely a matter of state law.  Up here in New Hampshire we did something about malpractice which cut the rate in half.  Other states could do likewise.  Voters are OK with this idea.  Lawyers hate it.  Although lawyers can vote, there aren't all that many of them. 
   We need to scrap the regulations that force gold plating of medical facilities.  For instance at  Dartmouth Hitchkok the main building is topped by a gigantic row of air conditioners.  Turns out, regulations require the hospital to hold temperature to 72 degrees plus or minus ONE degree. which is ridiculous, in addition to ridiculously expensive.   

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Pitch ball? Spit ball? This is news?

All over the TV news.  A Yankee's pitcher had pine pitch on his neck.  Strictly verbotten in baseball. Making the ball sticky is all kinds of against the rules.  It's like pitching a spitball.  News coverage is INTENSE.  Must be a slow news day.

Long Island town has massive SWAT team

Been watching this on TV.  A prank call brought out a 60-70 man SWAT team, all in black uniforms and black helmets, toting machine guns, equipped with armored Humvees.  All this to a suburban home in Nassau county NY?  Who/what did they expect to oppose them?  Al Quada in New York?  The Symbionese Liberation Army?  The Suprano's?  Sure looks like over kill to me.  Lucky nobody got shot.
   Could it be that once the town cops got funding for a SWAT team they wanted to use it for something?  
   For that matter, did the BLM send all those armed men to the Bundy ranch because they were on the payroll and had nothing better to do?  Should federal bureaus (except the FBI) have armed agents at all?  The proper procedure for a bureaucracy to apply force to citizens is to obtain a court order, and have local law enforcement carry it out.  Not to dispatch their own private pug uglies to bust heads.