Played by Keanu Reeves, John Wick is the toughest movie hit man ever. Tougher than James Bond, tougher than Paul Kersey, tougher than any role Chuck Norris ever played, tougher than Arnold. He is retired from the nameless agency he used to work for, happily married. Suddenly his wife dies of mysterious causes and a bunch of thugs take a fancy to his 69 Mustang and beat him up, kill his dog and steal his car. The rest of the movie is straight revanchism that leaves nobody alive. John Wick shoots straight for the heart and kills them with every shot. He uses a lot of ammunition before the end of the movie. It’s a pretty stripped down movie, no love interest, no good one liners. John Wick does get to drive a couple of cool 60’s Detroit hot rods, the Mustang and an Olds 442. The bad guys drive SUV’s. The formula must work since they made two sequels. I watched it to the end, even stayed awake. But it wasn’t as good as say Terminator 2.