Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Trigger Happy Tree in my backyard

 I got one tree

that thinks it is fall.  Most tree don't go along with the idea and are staying green.  That will last another week or two.  This tree is checking out the red scene.

Saturday, September 19, 2020

We need a 9 judge Supreme Court

 Right now, after Justice Ruth Bader  Ginsburg's death, we only have eight justices on the Supreme court.  Should a difficult case, say a case about the 2020 presidential election, come before them, they might well deadlock in a tie 4 to 4 vote.  In which case the lower court decision that was appealed to the Supremes will stand.  Probably not good, the federal appeals courts only have jurisdiction over sections of the United States.  If the Supremes cannot come to a decision then we will have sections of the country with one law and other sections with a different law.  Not good.  We ought to have the same federal law for the whole country.  

   Of course Trump will appoint the same sort of judge that he did for his previous two Supreme Court vacancies.  That is a strict constructionist judge who will hew to the original intent of the Founders and not try to make new law from the bench.  And to be fair, Trump appointees will either be Republicans, or at least be sympathetic to Republican viewpoints, and thus anathema to Democrats.  No matter, I think the country will be better off having nine justices on the Supreme Court to rule on any 2020 election cases, which I judge likely to happen. 

Friday, September 18, 2020

 Ruth Bader Ginsberg.  May you rest in peace. 

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Battery lore for motorists.


A fully charged car battery will read 13.2 volts.  Draw just a very small amount of juice from the battery, say turn on the headlights for a few minutes, and you will find the battery voltage has dropped down to 12.8 volts.  So most of us call a 12.8 volt or better battery fully charged.  Starting the engine, especially in winter, takes a lot of juice and as the battery charge is used up the battery voltage will drop off.  Once the battery voltage drops below 12.0 volts the battery may not have enough charge in it to start the engine. 

   When the engine is running, it turns an alternator under the hood to charge the battery.  The alternator has to supply current at a slightly higher voltage than the battery in order the charge it.  A properly working alternator will keep the car’s electrical system at 14 to 15 volts.  Cars have a built in voltmeter which you can see.  You may have to read the car’s manual to find it and turn it on.  On new cars (anything less than twenty years old) the voltmeter is digital and you can easily see your system voltage accurate to a tenth of a volt.  With the engine running the voltmeter ought to show 14-15 volts from the alternator.  With the engine off, the voltmeter will read battery voltage.  If battery voltage is above 12 .0 volts it’s good. 

   If the battery is below 12 volts either the alternator isn’t putting out enough voltage, or the battery is old and shot.  Winter is hard on car batteries and 4 or 5 winters is all they are good for.  A new battery is only fifty bucks at the auto parts store and you put it in yourself.  Assuming the alternator belt is nice and tight and not too worn, you have to replace the alternator.  Rebuilt alternators are every bit as good as brand new alternators and a lot cheaper. 

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Hang Adolph Hitler from a sour apple tree


World War II could have been avoided.   It was an unnecessary war that cost 60-70 million deaths.   It laid important cities, Dresden, Hamburg, Leningrad, Cologne, Stalingrad, Berlin, Tokyo, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and more in ruins. The war broke out; actually Hitler attacked Poland, a mere 21 years after World War I ended.  Men who had been infantrymen in their twenties for World War I were in their forties in 1939.  Every one in Europe remembered the four year agony in the trenches and no one wanted to do that again.  No conceivable political objective was worth doing another four years of trench warfare.  Everyone in Europe agreed on this, except for one man, Adolph Hitler.  Somehow, Hitler had taken control of a great power and used that control to start World War II. 

   Using hindsight, it is clear that we could have eliminated Hitler and spared the world six years of agony and death.  Hitler would have had to be taken out sometime between 1932 and 1938 to do any good.  We (France, Britain and the United States) could have marched our armies into Germany, over thrown Hitler and put him on trial for war crimes, violations of the treaty of Versailles.  Or shot him “trying to escape”. That would have required French and British governments with some backbone, which was lacking in those years, plus solid support from the United States, to the point of dispatching at least one American division of troops to back up the Europeans and serve as a token of American support.  Unfortunately the United States was sunk deep into isolationism, and then the Depression and did not want to exert itself or take any risks.  It took the unprovoked attack on Pearl Harbor to snap us out of it. 

  Or, we could have sent one or two good men with rifles into Germany and had them shoot Hitler at one of those massive Nazi rallies.  We had some guys who could have done it.  The name Alvin York, (Sergeant York) a good southern boy from Tennessee, comes to mind.  And there were certainly other Americans who were just as good shots. 

   We need to keep this history in mind as we go forward into a dangerous world.   

Saturday, September 5, 2020

Is anything happening besides the US elections???

 The TV is playing all election news and nothing but election news.  And most of it is charge and counter charge, both sides being highly unlikely.  As far as I can tell, the entire world has come to a halt, waiting on the outcome of the US elections. 

Monday, August 31, 2020

Peaceably to assemble

 "Congress shall make no law ... abridging ...  the right of the people peaceably to assemble and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."   First Amendment.  

The word peaceably is important.  Peaceably means marching a route coordinated with local authorities.  It means carrying signs and flags and banners.  It means singing and chanting and speech making.  These days it means TV coverage.  And dispersing when the demonstration is over and going home.  First amendment requires government to permit these peaceable assembles.

Then we have riots.  Setting fires, beating people up, smashing shop windows, and looting.  Riots ought to be suppressed, rioters arrested, and held in arrest until all the paperwork is completed.  Use non-lethal weapons, tear gas, water cannon, pepper spray, tasers to break them up.  Start breaking up the riot as soon as possible to prevent it from getting bigger.  Many of the stores and businesses we see burning on TV belonged to people who had put everything they owned into starting the business, and keeping it going.  Burning the place down ruins those small business owners.  They expect law enforcement to protect their shops and businesses from being burned to the ground by rioters.  

And I have to wonder about the lack of common sense among the voters, who elected mayors and governors who permit riots to grow large and refuse offers of federal aid to suppress them.   Let's hope the voters have learned something over these last few weeks and make better choices this November.  At least they ought to vote the incumbents who have permitted this rioting out of office.