America is split 50-50 between Republicans and Democrats. The Georgia elections were very close, nearly 50-50. The US Senate has 50 Republicans and 50 Democrats. The US House has the narrowest margin in years, only about 5 more Democrats than Republicans. For a body of 425 members, 5 is very close. As a result or this even Steven split, it is impossible to get anything done. Congress has done very little in recent years. They need to do something about the DACA children. They need to do immigration reform. And a lot of other things. But, being split so evenly, they don’t have the votes to pass anything.
The Republicans need to attract more voters. Trump did some good work in this area. He attracted a lot of union voters, a lot of black and minority voters. It wasn’t quite enough to get him re elected, but it was close.
American political parties run on ideology, a platform, and personalities. Republican ideology comes from the Declaration of Independence, “All men are created equal”. Republicans were started as the party to free the slaves. Republicans fought the Civil War. In the 1960’s Republicans passed the Civil rights acts. Republicans believe in free enterprise and capitalism as the system that creates vast amounts of wealth. Under free enterprise factories and farms and everything else is owned by individuals or groups of individuals (corporations) and the owners are strongly motivated to run them efficiently. Republicans believe in American exceptionalism, the notion that America has a glorious history of which we should be proud.
Party platforms were more specific lists of laws the party would support, and other laws the party would oppose. In recent years both parties have pretty much stopped doing platforms. Partly because it is hard to come up with a platform that everybody in the party approves. Partly because advocating specific acts gains the party more enemies than it gains them friends. And probably other reasons as well. Net result, no platforms for this last election.
And finally, personalities. Right now the biggest personality in the Republican Party is Donald Trump. He will be around for quite a while. Nobody else in the party, Cruz, Rubio, Graham, McConnell, Romney, and you-name-him is as big as Trump. Unfortunately Trump has as many bitter enemies as he has die hard supporters.
Looking at this I can suggest Republicans need to talk about the party ideology more often. They need to get a platform out. They need to recruit more personalities, especially electable personalities. Republicans used to get personalities from the military, Eisenhower, Powell, and McCain for example. We don’t seem to have that many military men with strong reputations to recruit as we used to.