Being well over 65 years old, I make it into Corona virus vaccine phase 1b, eligible right now. I visited the NH web site back on the first day it was open, 22 Jan. I got a nice reply saying a link the the "VAMS" website would be coming in 3 to five days. Nothing showed. I revisited the NH website 2 more times. Each time a link to "VAMS" was promised but never showed. Couple of days ago governor Sununu said that "VAMS" was seriously broken and NH would junk it and create a replacement. I saw somewhere on the web the "VAMS" had been created by the feds with a sole source contract for $16 mil, and later had a cost overrun of $28 mil. Lesson for dumb as rocks government types, never do sole source contracts for anything. Get three bids every time. Anyhow, the long promised link to "VAMS" came finally came thru yesterday. I managed to get an appointment up in Whitefield for early May. Littleton was not accepting appointments at all.
Haverill is working on starting up a vaccination site. I told them if I could get vaccinated before early May, I would be right there.