High School graduation is coming up . If you are a senior, it's time the think about college. College is rediculously expensive. A four year degree at a reputable college will set you back $100K to $200K. That's new house money. And you cannot get out of paying it back. Bankruptcy doesn't work on school loans. If you start, you have to finish and graduate, otherwise all the money you have paid in is wasted. You still have to pay it back, but you don't get anything for it. So, your first question, to yourself, ought to be "Do I have to stick-to-itness to make it thru?"
College is not much, if any, more difficult than high school. If you have no trouble doing high school, you will have no trouble doing college. On the other hand, if getting thru high school was a major strain, college will be at least as stressful, maybe worse.
If you are unsure of yourself, you can take an off year. Enlist in the armed forces, hike the Appalachian trail, take a job, go to Europe, Spend a summer as a camp counselor, spend a winter as a ski bum, sail around the world, anything. The Corona virus makes next year a good one to take off. They will probably still be into face masks, and "distance learning", and no parties, and no real face-to-face classes. After a year or two of off year, you will understand yourself better, and you will get a lot more out of college.
And, there are a lot of well paying jobs that don't require college at all. Machinist, NCR tech, truck driver, heavy equipment operator, lineman, cop, auto mechanic, fireman, railroad engineer, fish and game warden, plumber, electrician, professional sports, and a lot more. Think about it. If college looks like four more years of boring book work, and you like working with your hands, you might be happier as a skilled worker.