Wednesday, November 3, 2021


 Glenn Youngkin has claimed victory just a little after midnight.  And the Republicans have won the lieutenant governor and attorney general races.  Margin of victory was thin, 2 or 3 %, but better than nothing in a long time democrat state.  I wish the new Republican government of Virginia all the best luck in the world.  This Republican win will certainly strike fear into the hearts of democrats about the 2022 midterm elections. 

Self Driving Cars

 All the car manufacturers are working on this product, some claim to have one that works already. Question:  Would you buy a self driving car?  Would you feel safe riding in one?  Me, I would not trust a microprocessor to handle Rte 128 rush hour traffic.  Especially when it snows. 

Monday, November 1, 2021

Booster shots?


Booster shots? I got my two vaccinations with the Moderna vaccine back in February and March of this year. The TV has been talking about booster shots for people like me. (I am well over 65) The talk was that CDC or FDA was looking into it and would let us know what was what. Some time has gone by and our ever vigilant and hard working bureaucrats have done nothing yet. My doctor was reluctant to recommend something that had not approved the the government. A proper attitude for doctors and just about anyone else. Anyhow I have not heard of FDA or CDC approving Moderna booster shots. I might have missed it, but I have been looking for it.
If the government OKed Moderna booster shots and my doctor said they would be good for me, I would go out and get one. Otherwise, wait and see.

Virginia Election

 Fox gave good long interviews to both McAuliffe and Youngkin.  I call it even steven, even though Fox is a Republican media.  Youngkin sounded really good, talked about concrete things he would do, starting with throwing critical race theory out of the public schools.  McAuliffe not so good, he used a lot of political bafflegab, and then started trashing his opponent, calling him a racist, a Trump stooge, and I forget what else, but it was not complimentary, or fair.  Polls are indecisive, one poll puts Youngkin 8 points ahead, another poll puts the election even.  We will know something in a couple of days.

Sunday, October 31, 2021

So how do those containership ports work?

 Surely those big steel containers don't have paperwork showing where they need to go on the outside of the container somewhere.  Would not a few rough seas wash such paperwork overboard, or at least get it so wet as to be unreadable?  How do the crane operators, truckers, and railroad crews know where to send each container?  Clever computer programs that display the bill of lading for just entering the container serial number?  Do containers have serial numbers painted on the outside?  You would think they do, but I have never gotten close enough to see them. 

Ideally the crane operator would pull a container off the ship and drop it on a truck or a train and get it out of the port right then and there.  If they pile the containers on the ground in the port that slows things down.  The containers piled on the ground have to be picked up and loaded on trucks or trains sooner or later.  Which takes as much crane time as unloading them from the ship in the first place.  Faster is to unload the containers off the ship right onto trucks or trains and get the containers clean out of the port right then and there.   

I am thinking that a long train of double stack flat cars, pulling slowly along side the ship as the crane unloads is the way to go.  Only drawback is the train only goes to one place, so all the containers wind up somewhere like Salt Lake City from which they get sorted out and shipped to their owners.

And despite what union leaders say, the port can move more containers if it runs three shifts and operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 

After Biden How can any American vote for the democrats?

 It has been only 10 months since Biden took office.  In that time he turned Afghanistan over to Islamic crazies, failed to get our non combatants and our Afghan friends to safety before pulling our troops out, hiked the price of gasoline from $2.10 to $3.40, clogged up the ports of LA and Long Beach, crushed GNP growth down to 2%, thrown a lot of people out of work with his vaccine mandates, and more bad stuff that I could think of if I took some more time.  This is just the stuff on the top of my head.

Not only is Biden a disaster, from whom we may never recover, the democratic party nominated him when there were a bunch of much better democrats (just about any democrat is better than Biden).  I say decent Americans ought to vote Republican to save our country, like the Republicans did back in 1860.

Friday, October 29, 2021

Wall St Journal is catching up

The mail person delivered the Journals for Tuesday, Wednesday and today.  No Thursday.  I started reading them.  The Tuesday edition has a long piece abput how ready the Taiwan armed forces are to repel an invasion from the communist mainland.  The piece concluded  that Taiwan's military was not very ready.  Not a word about navies.  Can the US Navy sink the communist invasion force while it is crossing the Taiwan Strait?  Does Biden have the stones to order our navy into action?  Is the US Navy, widely known for collisions  with merchant vessels (good seamanship there), competent enough to defeat the Chinese navy which will surely have orders to protect Chinese troop ships at all costs.