Back in high school I knew a boy, Hungarian boy by the name of Tom Beyargin. He had been active in the 1956 Hungarian uprising against the Russians. Hr had gotten out of Hungary just a day before the Russians closed the western border of Hungary. He told some hair raising stories about resisting the Russians in Buda Pest.
The Hungarians would lay down ordinary pie pans, upside down, across the city streets. The pans looked just like land mines. No tanker is going to drive his tank over a land mine. The Russian tanks would stop and a tanker could get out to look the things over. There was usually a Hungarian with a rifle on street level to deal with him. Meantime a Hungarian would heave a gallon jug sized Molotov cocktail out a 3rd or 4th story window. Since the tanks were stopped it was easier to hit them. A gallon of gasoline was enough to set any kind of tank on fire. After a few days of this and the tankers became extremely reluctant to drive down any city street.