The Biden administration does not seem to be able to count. They are jacking up fuel prices to hurt everybody just to please the Greenies. Greenies believe that drilling for oil and mining coal is a sin against Gaia. They believe we can keep from freezing to death in a New Hampshire winter with wind and solar. They don’t understand that solar goes away every evening at sundown and wind can stay calm for days. As I write this, high in the White Mountains, not a breath of air is stirring. In short, Greenies believe in things that are not real. Superstition we used to call this kind of thinking.
Anyhow, to get down to winning elections. Do the Greenies really count? The population of the US is like 330 million, of which at least half are old enough to vote. Call it 150 million voters. How many Greenies are there? A million would be a lot, but not enough to win an election.
The Biden Administration, those faceless people that write Biden’s speeches and executive orders, would do better to concentrate on the majority of real voters and not the thin wedge of Greenies.