Since the college loan system was put in, college tuition has risen thru the roof. Any time any college feels it needs more money, it raises tuition. The students, who have already signed tremendous loans, just grumble and sign again. They have sunk so much money into their college educations that they will sign for another few thousand bucks and just grumble about it.
One thing we could do now. All the money spent on college is wasted if the student flunks out and does not graduate. We ought to require colleges to pay off the student loans of those who flunk out and don’t graduate. This would sharpen up the college admissions offices to only admit students who can do the work. Right now colleges admit just about anybody because the students that don’t make it don’t cost the college anything. If the colleges were responsible for paying off the student loans of those who do not graduate, they would be much more cautious about admitting marginal students.