Right now Congress is almost evenly split between Democrats and Republicans. US Senate is exactly evenly split, 50 Democrats 50 Republicans. US house is close; the democrats have only a 5 vote lead out of a chamber of 400 or so members. Which means, on any controversial bill, neither side will have the votes to pass it.
The country is divided between makers, who have jobs and pay taxes, and takers who are unemployed and drawing welfare. Half the population pays no federal income tax. They don’t make much, or any, money, and generous allowances in the Federal income tax for children, home mortgages, and other stuff reduces their federal tax to zip. This isn’t right; all citizens should pay something, just to teach them that taxes hurt and should not be raised. The poor don’t need to pay much, but they ought to pay something, just to give them the idea that taxes are bad.
Right now the Democrats are better known as the party of more free stuff and more taxes to pay for all the free stuff. The Republicans are the party of the makers, they want to support business, which employs most of them, pays most people’s medical insurance, and produces the river of goods and services that make America the richest country in the world.
We have an election coming up in six months. We have seen how bad a Democrat administration can be. Every real American ought to vote Republican in November. Give the proper party a sizable majority in Congress so we can get something done.