I have a few suggestions for fair elections.
- Voters must present a good picture ID at the polls. All Americans have driver’s licenses. If they don’t, how do the get to work, or to the grocery store? Plus states ought to issue picture ID free to citizens that lack them. After they make sure the citizens are really citizens.
- Voters must register BEFORE Election Day. No same day registration. Voters who cannot get down to town hall a week before the election to register are unmotivated. Do we need unmotivated voters? Same day registration makes it easier for busloads of out of state voters to get to vote after only one trip to the victim state. Voters must show an in-state driver’s license, in-state plates on the car, and an in-state residency. College dorms are not in-state residencies. College students must register and vote in their home town.
- Votes are counted on election day, not earlier, not later
- We do absentee ballots for voters who cannot make it to the polls on Election Day such as members of the armed forces stationed overseas. We will allow hospital patients and the ill and infirm also. We do not allow absentee ballots to voters who fear that will catch Covid or something else at the polls.
- Absentee ballots must arrive by US mail, with a postmark with a date, before the polls close on Election Day. Undated postmarks and late absentee ballots will be discarded. Drop boxes are not permitted.
- Use paper ballots, not voting machines. They cannot hack paper ballots over the internet.