Biden is doing the bidding of the extreme greenies, the ones who want us to live without gasoline, furnace oil, electric power, and natural gas. I would like to see just one of those greenies spend a winter up here north of Franconia Notch.
Biden moved against the oil companies his first day in office. He canceled the Keystone XL pipeline. He stopped issuing leases to explore for oil and gas on federal land. He stopped oil exploration in ANWR, (Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, a stretch of tundra above the arctic circle) and he jawboned the banks and financial operations to stop financing oil and gas drilling. These adverse actions cut US oil and gas production by a million barrels a day. And that is why gasoline prices have been skyrocketing ever since Biden was inaugurated.
Biden was on TV just this morning saying that high gasoline prices will continue. He won’t do anything about it. You Americans just suck it up. The extreme greenies rule.
Every American should vote a straight Republican ticket in November.