Wednesday, July 20, 2022

How do you tell when a Biden administration spokesperson is lying?

Ans.  When they talk about “Transition”.  “Transition” is the idea that the US economy can be made to run without using oil and gas.  Like magic Wind and Solar will pick up the load.  Yeah Right.  No way does wind or solar run my car or heat my house.  If we stop using oil and gas then we are back to the Hiawatha economy, no aircraft, no motor vehicles, no railroads, no central heating, no air conditioning, no fresh fruits or vegetables in winter, living in tepees and cooking over wood fires.  I get tired of camping out, especially during a New Hampshire winter.   

   In short, “transition” is extremely uncomfortable, and only works in the Deep South where you don’t get winter.  I don’t want it and no real voters want it.  Just because Administration spokespeople talk about it doesn’t mean it is going to happen. 

Monday, July 18, 2022

So who is gonna run for President??

 There are two answers, one for democrats one for Republicans. 

For the democrats anything goes.  Biden is saying he will run again but I think that is just talk to prevent him from becoming a lame duck early on.  As soon as Biden says he is not running in 2024 he becomes a lame duck, right then and there.  So far the only democrat who has expressed interest (he didn’t say he would run, he just sounded interested) is that Gary Somebody or Other from California.  Saints preserve us from a California democrat.  If the democrats have anyone else I have not heard.


The Republican have Donald Trump.  He is strong, a lot of people voted for him last time.  After a year and a half of Biden, Trump is looking pretty good.  One the other hand there are a lot of Never-Trumpers out there who won’t help.  And then we have Ron Desantis, Florida governor.  I know little about Desantis other than he got into a squabble with Disney a little while ago about that bill for parental rights, forbidding teaching about sex in grades three and below.  Actually had it been up to me, I would have made it grade 6 and below.  I am not sure just where parents stand on that bill. 


So, 2024 is up in the air as far as I can see right now. 

Thursday, July 14, 2022

Biden says he would use US force to prevent Iran from getting nukes.

    Does anyone believe Biden?  I have my doubts that in the clutch Biden would order a couple of US armored divisions into Iran to do regime change.  I fear he would chicken out and back off.  What do you think the Iranians, the Russians, the Iraqis, the Saudis, the Israelis, and who ever else might care, think?  Would Biden have the stones to go thru with it?

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Old Time Science Fiction writers. Robert A. Heinlein.

   Heinlein has been dead for nearly 35 years now.  I remember seeing his obituary on the front page of the Boston Globe back in 1988.  The only other writer to ever get a front page obit in the Globe was Tolkien back in the 1970s.  To get a front page obit you have to be very widely read and your writing must be considered important.  In a long active career Heinlein wrote a lot of stuff, all of it good reading.  Some of his best were Have Spacesuit Will Travel, The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, Red Planet, and The Star Beast.  And a lot of others, all well worth reading.  Controversial is his novel Stranger in a Strange Land.  This book drops out of the hard science fiction mold into something else that is hard to describe.  It works best for older readers, into (or graduated from) high school.  I would discourage children from, reading it while they are still in grade school. 

Out of 30-30 ammunition.

 Have some friends coming up for the weekend who said they would like to go shooting.  So I drove over to the Alderbrook range just to make sure my fancy radio card still worked.  It did.  So I dropped by the Sports Shop in Littleton to buy a little ammunition.  They had .22 and 9 mm.  They did not have any 30-30 which amazed me, 30-30 is extremely popular, all the lever action rifles use it.  The only round that might compete in popularity is .223, the round used by AR15s.

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Street Drugs kill. We need to tell our kids.

 Street drugs are given names of opioids and sold to people looking for the high they get from good strong opioids. At this time, the street drug makers and sellers are liberally spiking all their wares with fentanyl.  It’s cheap, it gives a rocket ship high, and it is extremely powerful, so powerful that the slightest error in manufacture adds a lethal dose of fentanyl to the pill.  They did some checking and they found that one in five pills bought off the street contained enough fentanyl to kill, right upon swallowing the pill.

 We need to tell the kids that street drugs kill.  Stick with weed or beer.

Addams family 2.

 I Netflixed it.  It is a cartoon, no live action.  Gomez comes out looking like a football wearing a striped suit.  Chester looks like a blimp.  Mortica looks like a string bean dressed in black.  Wednesday spends her time having Pugsley beaten into a pulp or thinking about changing families.  No good lines for anyone.  Best part of the flick is the Addams family RV, a rolling antique that puffs purple smoke while underway. I lost interest before the end and started doing housework. 

I cannot recommend it on account of terminal boredom.