Although Edgar ice Burroughs is best known as the creator of Tarzan, he started his writing career with “A Princess of Mars” way back before WWI. The only reasonable science fiction author older than Burroughs is Jules Verne. In this romance, Mars is habitable, with breathable air, little water, lots of strange animals, and multiple races. All Martians go around armed, long sword, short sword and radium revolver. Red Martian princess Dejah Thoris meets up with Earthman John Carter. They fall in love; they escape captivity by the Green Martians riding double on the back of a thoat. They lead the forces of Helium and Thark to the destruction of Zodanga.
Burroughs wrote another dozen Martian novels over his life. The first three, Princess of Mars, Gods of Mars, and Warlord of Mars are the best reads. The later ones, not so much. Burroughs influenced later science fiction stories. For instance Star War’s Princess Leia owns a lot to Burrough’s Dejah Thoris.