Those 50 immigrants that Texans flew up to plush Martha's Vineyard were relocated to "a Massachusetts National Guard base on Cape Cod". That was probably Otis Air Force Base, where I did Air Force summer camp back in the early '60s. I heard or read somewhere lately that Otis AFB has been renamed "Joint Base something-or-other". I am so glad that we have bureaucrats and paper pushers with nothing better to do than rename Air Force Bases. We could even save a little taxpayer's money by tracking those bureaucrats down and laying them all off.
This blog posts about aviation, automobiles, electronics, programming, politics and such other subjects as catch my interest. The blog is based in northern New Hampshire, USA
Monday, September 19, 2022
Newsies don't know Cape Cod very well.
Friday, September 16, 2022
Aviation Week still pushing for green airliners.
There are three ways to go to make an airliner that is better for the climate than what we have flying today. Airliners use and burn a LOT of fuel. Just to fuel a single seat, single engine fighter plane for a long flight (Duluth Minnesota to Tyndall AFB Florida) took 10,000 gallons of jet fuel. This is a full 18 wheeler semi trailer worth of fuel. That’s just for a little fighter plane. To fuel a four engine jet liner carrying a couple of hundred passengers across an ocean takes a lot more, probably something like 40,000 gallons, 4 full 18 wheeler semi trailers.
Aviation Week keeps mentioning “Sustainable Aviation Fuel” (SAF). What ever it is, Aviation Week claims it burns without CO2 emissions, and to work fine in existing jet engines. I have no idea what SAF is, how it is made, what it might cost. Googling turned up one post, which I wrote myself a couple of years ago.
Then there is hydrogen. Burns good and clean, no CO2, just H2O (water). Has to be cooled way way down so it liquefies, before you can get enough of it into an airliner to do any good. The airliner needs special hydrogen tanks, fitted in somewhere. The usual plan for fuel storage, filling up the wings with kerosene, probably won’t work for hydrogen. The hydrogen keeps boiling off, requiring a cylindrical fuel tank that can take some pressure. The wings cannot take any sort of pressure.
And finally there are batteries. I am surprised that even theoretically possible batteries have enough power to lift themselves (let along an airliner) off the ground. I am aware a one experimental battery powered aircraft project. The aircraft is the size of a Cessna. They got a lot of development work to grow that up to airliner size.
Thursday, September 15, 2022
Monarch butterfly gets caught in abandoned spider web. I have a couple of very sizable webs hung off my eaves. After a couple of days of steady rain the spiders, big ones, abandoned the webs, I have not seen the spiders in several days. But the webs are still up and this big Monarch butterfly got caught in one. He fluttered and flittered and yanked himself around for a long time. He must have been successful, I just looked for him and he was gone. Good luck butterfly. You are gonna need it this time of year.
Monday, September 12, 2022
Feathers in their bonnets
The British are doing a great procession bringing Queen Elizabeth's body to Edinburgh Cathedral. The Scottish honor guard is wearing feathers in their bonnets. First time I have ever seen what the old cliche looks like in real life.
Sunday, September 11, 2022
Spider Webbery.
A spider spinning a web needs something to anchor the web to. In nature a tree branch with a fork in it, that yields two branches maybe a foot apart works well. A lot of other spiders have to make do with less. I see them jumping off my eaves, trailing a thread of silk. The lucky ones land on my deck railing, the unlucky ones just get blown away. Even the lucky ones are not that lucky. It is a good ten feet from my eaves to the deck railing. I never see the spiders climbing back up to spin a second thread. They need two anchor threads to keep the web spread out. I don’t think spiders can see from my eaves to my deck railing. I think they are just casting themselves to the winds, hoping for the best.
9-11 21 years later.
I was at work, at Analog Devices, that morning. Someone came running thru the lab, crying out that New York had been bombed. So I took the lab TV set; we had one because we were doing video compression work and we needed the TV to se if video looked good after being compressed and then decompressed. I set the TV up out in the hall, on rabbit ears and it pulled in the major networks who were covering nothing besides 9-11. Everybody on our floor of Analog Devices gathered around the TV, no one spoke. We saw the World Trade center get hit and later collapse. New York’s first responders ran into the stricken building to save people. Many of them died when the building fell.
Over the next couple of days everyone put an American flag, on a flag pole, on their cars or pickup trucks.
Saturday, September 10, 2022
Political TV ads get rough.
The New Hampshire primary is Tuesday (the 13th) only three days away. Anyone who has a TV ad is running it now, before the primary. Ads after the primary are wasted. I had WMUR on this morning. It was wall to wall political ads. Some of them were attack ads, aimed at candidates some one did not like. Accusations of corruption, ballot box tampering, pay offs, fingers in the till were right out there, front and center. Tuesday’s results will be interesting.
I am voting for Chuck Morse for Senate, Chris Sununu for governor, and I don’t know who for US rep.