He was about an hour late. He spoke for and hour and a half. Never at a loss for words. Got a lot of enthusiastic applause. The room was fairly full although I could see blocs of empty seats here and there. The room was not all that large. It was not much larger than the theater at my old high school, a decent size room but not all that large. Trump said he will not do a third party. Trump suggested that he MIGHT run for president in 2024 but it was just a MIGHT, no solid commitment. Which is fair, 2024 is a long way off, lots of things might happen. Trump is getting old, in four years he might not have the energy he has now. He spoke about all the good things he has done in his one term, and it was a fair summary.
In summary, Trump inspires a lot of enthusiasm. His past policies are popular, at least with the people who go to CPAC. Of the 75 million people who voted for Trump back in November, a lot of them, maybe half, say 37 million, voted for Trump the personality not for the Republican party. Without Trump they are gone. That makes Trump the guy who brings a lot more votes to the table than anyone else.