Monday, November 15, 2021

DISH. Slow and a little flaky

 I got tired of Spectrum's endless price hiking and switched to DISH.  DISH works, most of the time.  The data rate is plenty fast enough for me.  What is slow is switching from one web site to another.  I fear this works by your system transmitting a request for change up to the satellite, and waiting for the satellite to respond.  Since every DISH owner in North America is transmitting requests up to the poor over burdened satellites, it is not surprising that some of the requests get lost and have to be re-transmitted.  When two requests to the satellite arrive at the same time, they jam each other and other requests must be re-transmitted.  Net result, it takes DISH noticeable longer to switch to a new web site than cable modem Spectrum.  

Disk comes with a massive video box which has instructions so complex I have not mastered them yet.  And the video box ("Hopper") occasionally dies.  If I cycle power and wait long enough (several hours last night) the video comes back.  

Sunday, November 14, 2021

Is a Lush Beard a Signal of Having More Testosterone?

 Title of a piece on the Web.  Actually since many (most?) guys shave their faces every morning, it is hard to believe that a beard is attractive to chicks, or anyone else.  If they were, more guys would grow beards. Or that a beard is a mark of better genes or more testosterone or anything else other than being a guy.  And I have never heard a Darwinian (or any other science based argument) about why guys grow beards and chicks don't.

2 1/4 inches of snow in the Notch

First real snow of this winter.  It ain't enough to open Cannon, but it helps.

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Dark Matter could be Macho's rather than WIMPs

Astronomers discovered a free planet, some 100 light years away.  It's a sizeable beast, several times the size of Jupiter and way out in free space, no star anywhere close.  Free planets are very hard to see since they lack a sun to light them up.  This one was detected by its infra red emissions.  

Are free planets the "Massive Halo Objects" (Macho's) of the missing mass discussion?  We are pretty such that the universe needs more mass, a lot more mass, than we can see glowing in the night sky.   This bit of knowledge comes from watching galaxies rotate.  Speed of rotation depends upon mass of the galaxy.  Heavier galaxies have to rotation faster to create enough centrifugal force to prevent the stars from getting sucked down into the galaxy center.  This bit of physics comes to us from Isaac Newton and is taught in freshman college physics.  That is where I learned it. 

   The mass of the galaxies was estimated by counting all the stars in the galaxy and assuming that the stars were of average mass.  Doing this came up short of mass, a lot short, say one or two times the observed (luminous) mass.  Two solutions were suggested.  There might be a new sub atomic particle with mass like a proton but as hard to detect as a neutrino.  This was dubbing Weakly Interacting Massive Particle (wimp for short).  This came up shortly after the Higgs boson was discovered, leaving a lot of particle accelerators and accelerator physicists looking for something to do.  The other idea was a "Massive Halo Object" (Macho for short).  

This newly discovered free planet is a Massive Halo Object.  There might be more, they are hard to detect so there might be a lot more.  Question:  How many free planets would there have to be to furnish the missing mass?  Is it a reasonable number?  Or is the required number so high that we would have noticed free planets zipping by the earth already?

Friday, November 12, 2021

Wind blew hard all night. Leaves are gone

 As late as yesterday we still had  fine crop of colorful leaves on the trees.  The wind blew hard all last night, and this morning the leaves are mostly gone, blowing across the road and my lawn in flurries.  We are into the bare tree winter look. 

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Veteran's Day

 The TV (at least Fox News) is making a bigger deal out of Veteran's day than they used to.  I'm a veteran, so this is just fine by me. 

Kyle Rittenouse Trial on TV

 What I see on TV is bad, bad, bad.  Kyle Rittenhouse, a teenager, 17 years back than, 18 now was at the Kinosha riot.  Wound up shooting three rioters with his AR-15.  He is on trial for murder.  He is naturally claiming self defense.  To me, the prosecution wants to be proving that Kyle shot three innocent bystanders.  Instead the prosecutors have been talking about Kyle obtaining the rifle when state law requires you to be 18 to buy a rifle, (a misdemeanor, where as murder is far more serious).  And a discussion about bullets, full metal jacket versus soft nose bullets.  To which the proper answer (which Kyle did not think of) is "all bullets are deadly", rather than a gun magazine discussion of the merits of various bullet types.  And today a long discussion about video imaging techniques, what happens when a video image is enlarged.  To which the proper answer (which was NOT giver) is "Video imaging technology changes, a lot, from month to month and I have no idea what technology was used on this particular image.