Friday, December 5, 2014

Avoiding Turkey Dryness

Turkey dryness, a much discussed holiday calamity.  I can remember my stepmother berating my father over a dry turkey twenty years ago.  I nearly laughed, knowing that the old man had never cooked anything more complex than a peanut butter and bacon sandwich in his life. Stepmother was a dear, but she was a slow learner.
   Anyhow, we had a nice moist turkey this Thanksgiving.  I think the secret lies in a roasting pan with a lid.  The turkey is good and brown after an hour in the oven,  but needs to go another hour or so to be done.  Put the lid on the bird once it is brown enough and it holds in the moisture.  And baste it often.  Modern turkeys are pretty lean, so you may need to use some oil (cooking, olive, anything except 3-in-1) to baste with. 

Thursday, December 4, 2014

So who is Shawn Jasper?

I never heard of him before.  Somehow the Democrats recruited enough New Hampshire RINO's to elect him Speaker of the House, beating out Bill O'Brien by a VERY slim margin.  All the democrats and 40 RINO's voted for Jasper.
  Wonder what Jasper is in favor of?  Since all the Democrats voted for him, you gotta wonder if he is a tax hike guy.  Could he be thinking state income tax?  Or state sales tax? 
  I liked O'Brien, he was a cost cut guy.
  There is a group starting up to primary all the RINOs.  I wish them luck.

Strange, I never heard of the Eric Garner Chokehold case

Before yesterday that is.  When some unnamed group[s] ran off some demos on Manhattan.  The demos made the TV news.  The video of four or five cops piling onto Garner and choking him to death is horrible.  I'm surprised it didn't get more airplay. 
   If the TV newsies were doing their jobs, they would tell us who is organizing the demos, perhaps interview someone on TV.  As it is, they sound totally clueless. 

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

$250 million for body cams?

That's a lotta  money, even for the Feds.  
Question:  Do you think things would have been different in Ferguson if the officer had been wearing a body cam?  The officer says that Brown, a big and scary looking guy, attacked him, and he shot in self defense.  He probably would have fired at Brown even if he had been wearing a body cam. 
   I suppose that body camera's would deter a few cops from doing a Rodney King act on some hapless target.  But American cops are pretty good about being professional, defense attorneys do a lot to reinforce the professional behavior.  I don't think $250 million worth of body cams will make them much more professional. 

What kinda tax breaks ?

Apparently some $45 billion worth of tax breaks will expire, and hit tax payers harder in this tax year.  Unless Congress repasses them in the current lame duck session.  Fox is covering this.
Question for you TV newsies.  What is in that $45 billion package?  More special favors for hedge funds and Wall St?  Let's have some details.  Otherwise we should be calling our Congress critters to urge them to vote no. 

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Obama is keeping Ferguson in the news...

But why?  Ferguson is an unhappy story that real people would like to fade away.  Nobody likes 18 year olds getting shot by police.  Nobody likes riots and burning down businesses.  All real people would like the Ferguson story to get over with.  Obama seems to be working to keep Ferguson going in the news.  He held that special conference at the White House about it.  He invited head line grabbing race hustler Al Sharpton to the conference. 
    Who does Obama think he is appealing to?  There is a small minority of blacks, those who feel society is unfair to them, people we used to call the Black Panthers back in the day,  who want to keep the riots going until something good happens for them.  This is a small minority of all blacks.  So Ferguson appeals to a minority of a minority.  So why does Obama care?
   Or, does Obama want the newsies to stay on the Ferguson story because otherwise they would be reporting about something even worse for his administration?   And what might that be?

Either the economy is looking up...Or

Or Linked-In upgraded it's software.  For the first time in years, I got a robo email from Linked-In with some real job offerings.  First one was System Engineer at Raytheon.  I worked at Raytheon once upon a time.  I'm not really in the job market, I retired some years ago, but it's good to think the Linked-In's software thinks I am worth getting a resume from.
Let's hope it's the economy, I'd like to think the economy is improving despite Obama's best efforts to kill it and throw everyone out of work.