Thursday, December 14, 2017

Cops should be fair minded and open minded.

This FBI guy, Peter Strzok, clearly is not.  And he is a cop.  The text messages between him and his girl friend, lawyer Lisa Page show hatred, minds made up, and a desire to influence elections, and possible thoughts of doing a political assassination, which no cop ought to do.
   How did this turkey get to be a senior FBI guy?  He was senior enough to be in on interviewing Hillary about that email server,  senior enough to be loaned out to the Mueller "investigation".  He's been at the FBI for years.  Surely FBI does yearly performance reports like we do in the armed services?  Over all those years nobody mentioned that Peter Strzok was a deep left screwball?  And they promoted him? 
   And there are enough deep lefties at the Bureau for Peter to hook up with a lawyer who shares his warped views?  God help anyone that lawyer prosecutes. 
   The only difference between the police force of a democracy and a Gestapo is the quality of the agents.  Clearly Peter Strzok, and his girlfriend lawyer are the dregs.  Both of them ought to be fired, ASAP. 

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Most comments on proposed regulations are fake

Front page of today's Wall St Journal.  For example, a comment to the FCC opposing net neutrality was filed by a woman who died twelve years  ago.  The Journal mailed queries to the authors of a million comments.  7800 queries bounced back due to bad email addresses.  Of the queries that obtained a reply, 72% of the replies denied ever having sent in the comment.  Plus, looking at the comments received, the bulk of them are copies of each other. 
   The conclusion is that most of the comments are generated by 'bots, computer programs that just add false addresses and send the same message over and over again.  To the point that for the agency to read these comments and act upon them is folly.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

The Roy Moore election is on today.

And the newsies are commenting about it.  But, they aren't saying anything about turnout at the polls.  Is it heavy? or light?  Polls don't close for hours, and they don't do exit polling like they used to so we won't know who won until late this evening or even until Wednesday.

Chain immigration and immigration lotteries?

That's what we are hearing about the Bangladeshi immigrant who tried to bomb the New York subway yesterday.  Both of these concepts are new to me.  I never heard of either of them before yesterday.  Apparently we are issuing green cards just cause someone has a relative already in the US.  And the lottery who knows how that works. 
   Both of these programs are unfair and wrong. 
   Immigration to the US is highly prized all over the world.  Everyone would like to move to the US.  Nobody wants to move to Venezuela, Cuba, or Russia.  We ought to take advantage of this and accept immigrants who will become loyal and valuable citizens.  
   We can only accept so many immigrants per year, lest they swamp the country.  I submit that we can handle immigration equal to say 1% of the present population.  Since US population is about 330 million, that allows 3.3 million immigrants per year.  I'm thinking we have ten times that many applicants.
    So, we set up a point system, each applicant gets so many points for qualities we deem desirable.  Like points for holding a doctorate in the hard sciences, points for speaking, reading, and writing English.  points for being of working age.  Points for assisting the US armed forces. Points for knowing a trade, publishing a book, points for engineering degrees, points for knowing how to program computers, points for being married, points for having children, plus a whole bunch more desirable and useful skills and accomplishments.  Subtract points for a criminal record, or membership in ISIS and the like. Some appointed committee can have a wonderful time setting up the point system.
   Then we assign a score to every applicant, and admit the top scoring 3.3 million applicants.  We tell the rest of them to try again next year. 
   That's fair.  And it will give us a lot of good decent citizens and fewer subway bombers. 

Monday, December 11, 2017

I don't envy Alabama voters

They have a lesser of two evils choice ahead of them.  Vote for Republican Roy Moore, despite believable reports of dating underage or really young teen age girls while in his 30's.  The accusations are 40 years old, but there are a number of them.  Plus Moore has made some very hard right statements on the social wedge issues. 
  Or vote for Democrat Jones, who is pro abortion, and very left, especially for a conservative state like Alabama.  Doing so would  knock the Republican majority in the Senate down to just one, permitting any senator to kill anything just 'cause he feels like it.  It would seriously weaken the Trump administration.  Something that a lot of Alabama voters don't want to do. 
   There has been talk of a a write in campaign for someone I never heard of before.  I doubt that will go anywhere. 
   We will know how it turns out by Wednesday.  The polls are calling it for Moore by a razor thin margin of a couple of percent.  It will be interesting to see if the pollsters got it right this time.  They have blown predictions several times in the recent past, especially the Trump Hillary contest.

Friday, December 8, 2017

It only takes ONE scumbag

To put an organization's reputation into the toilet.  In the case of the FBI,  Comey was that one scumbag.  He tried to influence the 2016 election by first declaring that Clinton's email server scandal was a non issue, and not prosecutable.   Then a few weeks later, when Anthony Weiner's laptop, loaded with Hillary emails, turned up, he reversed himself and declared the Hillary investigation was back on.  After that, everyone knew the FBI was trying to tip the election.  And all the thousands of decent, loyal, hardworking FBI agents get tarred with the same brush.  They are all still good decent agents, but Comey has made us taxpayers suspect them all. 
   For those of you looking for reasons to trash Obama, his appointment of Comey to run the FBI is a big one.

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Raytheon and Analog Devices make WSJ 250 best managed companies

Interesting and kind cool.  I worked at Raytheon, Equipment Division in Wayland in the '70s and at Analog Devices in Norwood in the '90s.  Cool to see that places I used to work are considered well managed by the Wall St Journal.  I was a little disappointed that Bernie Gordon's Analogic didn't make the list.  I worked for Bernie for quite a few years, he was a difficult and demanding boss, but he did know what he was doing.