Monday, April 6, 2020

Season 8 Game of Thrones

Meh.  So far I have watched the first three episodes.  First episode opens with Jaime Lannister on trial at Winterfell, before Sansa Stark and Danaris Targarien, neither of whom like him very much.  Jaime is explaining that although his sister Cercei is reneging on her promise to send troops to defend Winterfell against the invasion of the White Walkers, he feels he must come and join the fight.  After that opening not much else in the episode.  Episode 2 the army of the White Walkers has surrounded Winterfell and far outnumbers the defenders. Everyone knows that battle starts in the morning.  They gather round and do some serious drinking.  Lighting is so bad that I could only identify who was who by listening for distinctive tones of voice.  Best short part, perennial tomboy Arya decides that since she will probably die in battle tomorrow she might as well get laid for the first time this evening.  She hooks up with former king Robert Baratheon’s bastard son, good looking young guy who is into black smithery.  They kiss, clothes come off, and they get into bed.  The scene ends before we can hear any pillow talk between them.  Episode 3 is the actual day of battle and is remarkable for having absolutely no lines of dialog between any characters, for the entire hour long episode.  Attack begins at 0’dark thirty, and the sun never does come up.  It is too dark to figure out what is going on, except for a couple of short scenes of dragons swooping down and doing the flame thrower thing on the enemy.
   Not sure if I have the energy to watch the rest of the season.

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Toy Boat Woodshop for the Kids.

    Running out of things to keep the kids interested?  Teach them some wood shop.  Make some toy boats.  Make the hull from a board, or even a bit of 2 by 4, what ever you have.  Cut a bow.  Mark the middle of the board.  Lay a square (any kind, T-square, combination square, Speed square, what ever you have) across the hull, some inches back from the bow end, and draw a pencil line clean across the hull.  They draw diagonal lines to mark the bow from the middle of the end back to the square line.  That will give a symmetrical bow when you saw both sides of it.  You can cut the bow with any kind of hand saw, cross cut, miter, hack, coping; use what ever you have.  You can leave the stern square, or you can make a pair of 45 degree cuts to round it off a bit.  You can use a plane or a spoke shave to smooth and round the hull. 
   You need a cabin, a piece of wood nailed on lengthwise.  You need a bridge that is a short piece of wood, atop the cabin and cross wise up front.  You ought to have a smoke stack, although we left that detail off a lot of toy boats we built in the distant past.  For a stack you need something round, a bit of dowel, a bit of broomstick, a bit of PVC pipe, whatever.  Drill a hole in the cabin top.  Secure it with glue, white glue of yellow carpenters glue for wood, epoxy or superglue for PVC pipe.  The glue will bond better to PVC if you clean it with hot water and soap, or solvent (alcohol, paint thinner, acetone, lacquer thinner). 

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Do I believe Corona virus numbers coming out of China???

I ought to say "No" but lets just say I am deeply suspicious.  I think the communist government has total control of the news coming out of China, and I suspect that they make up what ever Corona virus numbers they think makes China look good.   If you are making up world statistics, like how many cases or how many deaths world wide, I would be tempted to simply leave out the numbers from China. 

Friday, April 3, 2020

What is the Corona virus death rate?

Death rate is calculated by dividing the number of deaths by the number of cases, and multiplying the resulting fraction by 100 to make it into percent.  So far so good.  We are pretty sure that we don't know the true number of cases of Corona virus (COVID-19).  We only call it a case when some brand new test comes back positive.  We are no where near to testing everybody.  At a guess (wild ass guess, WAG) there are two or three times as many cases out there than the ones we know about.  We expect that as we do more testing, we will find more cases, which reduces the death rate.  Right now, using the numbers we have, the death rate from Corona virus is somewhere between  1 or 2 percent. 
  Listening to the TV this morning I hear about people who look healthy, feel good, show no symptoms. are testing positive for Corona virus.  This might be something wrong with the test (it's brand new and we haven't had time to check everything), or it might be these people have a good strong immune system, or the grace of God, or something that keeps them healthy.  We don't know if these people are infectious.  Maybe they are, maybe they are not.  Should these people be counted as cases of the disease?  Is it reasonable to call healthy people sick just because a test comes back positive? 

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Spring snow. I have two inches down on the deck

And it is still falling.  Stupid Beast wanted out, even though it was snowing.  So I let her out, it was only a degree or two above freezing.  I left the door unlatched.  She understands that she can get back in by just pushing on the door.  She never closes the door behind her, but that is cats for you.  Spring must have missed her plane. 

What do the medics and the newsies want? Really?

The medics on TV seem more concerned with studies and papers about Corona virus than they do with curing patients.  They seem to be saying that by curing patients you upset their statistical studies of the disease.  I believe that doctors ought to be curing patients, not collecting statistics and doing studies. 
    Back in sailing ship days a British ship’s doctor came up with a cure for scurvy.  He proved his cure worked with a double blind experiment.  Half the patients got his cure and the other half got a fake (a placebo).  Neither the patient nor the doctor knew which was which to prevent preconceptions from influencing the reported results.  It was feared that the doctor writing up the patient’s progress would be tempted to report that patients receiving the real stuff were doing better than patients getting the placebo.  Hence keeping the doctor ignorant (blind) improved the objectivity of the experiment.  It’s good science, but it’s hard on the patients given the placebo. This "double blind" technique is still considered the proper way to test drugs and treatments now in the 21st century.
   Anyhow, the medics pontificating on TV about Corona virus seem more interested in good science rather than curing patients.  And the TV personalities seem more interested in trashing President Trump for his favorable comments on hydroxyl chloroquine than discussing how well it works. 
   Another strange thing.  Various bureaucrats, FDA, CDC, and others, seem to think that doctors may not proscribe “off-label” uses of drugs without their bureaucratic permission.  Me, I think the decision should lie with the doctor and patient, which means mostly with the doctor.  Most patients cheerfully accept anything their doctor says is good for them.  “You are the doctor” is the usual cliché.”  As it is, doctors are reluctant to discuss off label drug uses for fear of professional or bureaucratic retaliation.  

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Networking Windows 10

Used to be, back when Windows XP ruled the land, that you could connect two computers and move files between them.  Somehow (Micro$oft programming weenies probably) that capability has been lost.  I have a desktop and a laptop, both running Windows 10.  They both talk to my wifi router; they both are connected to the internet.  I would like to back up a bunch of files on the desktop to the laptop.  So far I cannot do it.  Neither machine can see the other machine, let alone transfer files. 
   There oughta be a way, but so far I have not found it.