Wednesday, April 21, 2021

George Floyd trial is over, Thank Goodness

We have a verdict (guilty) and everything.   We have a lot of odd remarks by national pols.  Nancy Pelosi said the the Floyd family ought to proud of George.  I don't understand that.  George got himself in trouble with the cops and wound up dead.  Nancy is trying to say that the publicity brought on by George's death is a good thing and worth George's life.  That's a horrible thing to say.  Publicity that advances your narrative is never worth a person's life.  And then we had Biden come on TV and say a few words, actually quite a few words.  I didn't bother to listen.  And then we had Maxine Waters calling for more rioting unless the verdict comes out guilty.  It did come out guilty, and I like to think that happened because of testimony in court, not fear of Maxine.   

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Anyone know who is running the United States??

 Joe Biden probably is not.  I think he signs the papers put in front of him and reads the speeches someone writes off the teleprompter.  Who is writing the papers for signature and the speeches for delivery?  Jill Biden?  Kamala Harris?  Some congresscritter?  nameless White House staffers?  Who ever it is, they are really left wing. 

Saturday, April 17, 2021

Vote for HB 544. Critical Race Theory is evil

Critical Race Theory says "race" is the same as skin color, white, brown, black, yellow, polka dot, whatever.  I don't believe that, I believe that all men are created equal, no matter what the color of their skin.   Critical Race Theory blames all the inequities of modern life upon racism.  And it blames whitey for all the badness in the world.  I don't believe that either.  We fought the civil war, we did the emancipation proclamation, we did the civil rights movement of the 1960s.  We probably have more things to do, but we have made a good start. We should not be teaching Critical Race Theory in the NH public schools and HB 544 will prevent that.  Vote for it. This is not censorship, it is selecting the curriculum to be taught in our schools. 

Night Line Legal

Great name that.  As good as Midnight Auto.  They are still around, running ads on Fox News.  This ad was urging people to step up and sue over Round Up weed killer.  

Friday, April 16, 2021

Let's not give Biden four new Supreme Court appointments

The Democrats are pushing "court reform" by which they mean adding four more justices to the Supreme court, and incidentally allowing Biden to appoint those four new justices.  Biden will of course appoint lefty judges who believe in a "living constitution", the notion that times change, and the court ought to change the Constitution to keep up.  I abhor this view point.  If change in the law of the land is needed, it is the duty of the popularly elected legislature, not the courts, to change it.  The three justices that Trump appointed hold the proper viewpoint that they should enforce existing law, not make new law from the bench. 

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

China is talking about invading Taiwan

 That will be quite a trick.  The Taiwan strait is 120 miles wide.  It is blue water, deep enough to float aircraft carriers.  The Chinese will have to put the their troops into ships and landing craft.  It will take maybe ten hours to steam across the strait.  We have a navy and we have pledged to support Taiwan.  Which means the US Navy must steam into the Taiwan Strait and sink all the troop ships.  The Chinese Navy will defend their troop ships and landing craft.  I hear the Chinese navy has more ships than the US Navy.  They have aircraft carriers, not as many or a good as ours, but they are working on that. The Chinese have plenty of aircraft and missiles with which to potshot US Navy vessels operating in the strait.  Taiwan has a respectable air force as well.  

The crossing will be made at night, so the landing force hits the beaches in Taiwan at daybreak.  An after dark engagement at sea wants good IFF on every ship and aircraft to prevent fratricide.  We have that, the Chinese ought to, the technology has been around since WWII.  

It is traditional to do a landing on a rising tide, so that landing craft that go aground will be floated off as the tide comes in. We can check the tide tables, the days with a rising tide in the early morning are the days they will invade.  

I would expect the Chinese navy to do some practice maneuvers, too big to conceal, before  D-Day. So far all I have heard of is some aircraft flying into Taiwan's Air Defense Identification Zone.  They gotta do more than that before I will believe they are really coming, touching off a war with the United States. The last Pacific power to try that got nuked for their trouble.

We ought to make a point of building as many ships for our navy as the Chinese have in theirs.  And they ought to carry enough SAMs to fend off the inevitable Chinese air strikes.

I emailed this to many New Hampshire state senators yesterday.


HB 544 will forbid the teaching of "Critical Race Theory" in the public schools.  Critical Race Theory says that everything that is wrong is caused by racial discrimination and it is all whitey's fault.  Critical Race Theory denies that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among there are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.  HB 544 is not censorship, it is a decision upon the appropriate curriculum for our public schools.  We ought to pass HB544.