Sunday, June 12, 2022

Supreme Court Security Force.

We ought to have one. It needs to report to the Supreme Justice only.  It shall protect the lives of the Justices and their families, and any other important Supreme Court personnel that the Chief Justice shall designate.  It shall preserve order around the Court and on any such real estate that the court may possess.  This force shall not involve itself in anyway with plaintiffs before the court.  Its job is strictly to protect Court personnel and property. It shall not arrest people for failing to show up for a court hearing or trial, that is the duty of the various executive law enforcement agencies such as the FBI.

   Size of force, office space, funding, and equipment shall be at the discretion of the Chief Justice.

Friday, June 10, 2022

Uvalde Cops.

I am seeing and hearing some bad things about the Uvalde cops performance at the Robb school massacre.  Apparently the cops stood around in the hall out side the classroom for an hour before the team from the Border  Patrol showed up and took care of business. 

  The commander of the Uvalde cops should had been in the school, on that floor and turned to his men and said "We are going in to stop that bastard right now.  Follow me."  His men would have followed immediately.  Looks like there was no leadership and so nothing happened.

Those Jan 6 hearings.

 I watched Fox News last night. They did not carry the Jan 6 hearings. Instead they spent the time trashing the hearings and the speakers there at. Some instant replay on ABC did not show much goodness coming out of the hearings.

Thursday, June 9, 2022

Solar Panels just raise my electric bill.

 Home owners with solar panel roofs can sell the electricity back to the electric company, when the sun is shining of course.  Homeowners get paid the retail rate, 25 cents a kilowatt hour, for their meager contribution.  By rights they should only get paid the wholesale rate, 10 cents an kilowatt hour.  As it is, the power companies are required by law to pay a ridiculous rate for electricity that they don’t need.  The power companies are all paying staggeringly high mortgage bills on their real power plants.  They have to pay the mortgage whether the plants are running or not.  So the homeowner’s solar power does nothing for the power company, it just costs them money.  Which they have to recover from rate payers like me.

  Now the TV is telling me that Biden is lowering the tariff on solar panels to allow Chinese panels to be sold in the US.  We will be sending good US dollars to an unfriendly China to pay for solar panels that just raise my electric bill.  Lets go Brandon.

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Gun Safety Rules

If you are new to guns and shooting you want to learn the four standard safety rules.  If you are an old pro you want to teach these rules to the newbies.


    1. Always treat every gun as loaded. 

    When you pick up a gun, even your own, check to make sure it is unloaded.  Open the bolt, or eject the magazine, or swing open the cylinder, and finally check the chamber for the presence of a live round.  Do this religiously and eliminate the old excuse “I didn’t know the gun was loaded”, used after a gun accident.  If you are going to clean the gun, work on the gun, dry fire the gun, do anything short of firing the gun, you want it unloaded, you don’t want an accidental discharge.  You heard of that fatal gun accident involving Alex Baldwin on the set of the movie “Rust”?  If Baldwin had followed this rule that accident would not have happened and his camera woman would be alive today.

2. Never point a gun at anything you don’t intend to kill. 

    Just in case you have failed on rule 1, this rule will keep you from killing someone or something by accident. 

3.  Keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot.  

       If you don’t press the trigger the gun will not fire.

4. Don’t fire until the gun is pointed at the target and behind the target is clear.

      Stuff (houses, people, pets, cars whatever) must not be behind the target.  The humble .22 Long Rifle rim fire slug will travel a mile.  More powerful rounds go even farther.      

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Just pass something. Doesn't matter what.

 That's what I am hearing on the TV news.  They want something about guns passed, no matter what, just so long as the Congresscritters can say they passed something to prevent another Texas school shooting, even if it doesn't do anything worthwhile. 

Unexplained things from Jan 6

 There was that video showing people streaming into the capital building while a cop held the door open for them.  They showed that several times back just after Jan 6 but I have not seen it all lately.  I don’t understand that one at all. 

On the day after (7 Jan) both the Master of Arms and the Senate security chief resigned.  I have never seen or heard an explanation of that one.   Were these two men so ashamed of their performance that they wanted out, now?  Did someone in power like Nasty Pelosi or Chuckles the Schumer want them gone?  Something else?

The Democrats are planning hearings about Jam 6.  I wonder if either of those two questions will come up, and if they do (not very likely), what answers do we learn?