Sunday, November 9, 2008

The PBS wishlist

The clock radio is tuned to NH public radio up here. The Sunday morning commentary was a long wish list of things the incoming Obama administration ought to do. Wow. Every lefty-greenie save the world idea was there.
They want to fund alternate energy, purge all Bush appointees from the civil service, do something about the methane emissions from dairy cows, sign the Kyoto treaty, support locally grown produce, you name it, it was there.
Not a word about Iraq or fixing the economy, these folk are out to save the planet and defeat global warming. Nothing about the price of heating oil or gasoline.
The program was a pastiche of stuff called in by listeners from all over the country. Of course the "non-partisan" NPR folk choose which citizens ideas get on the air. I guess NPR is firmly behind global warming (anti global warming)?

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