Saturday, November 16, 2013

Pivot to Asia

One of the dumber statements to come out of the Obama Administration.  Our European and Mideast allies read "pivot to Asia" as "pivot away from us". As in "let the Russians or Al Quada roll right over us and don't lift a finger".
  The Chinese have to read "pivot" as "America is going to gang up on us".  Not a good thing to have them thinking. 
   And, as a general rule, nobody in the world want's to hear that the Americans are changing policy.  They all know we are the 800 pound gorilla, they mostly see us as benevolent, and changes in US policy scare them. As practical people they fear that "changes" will be the worse for them. 
   That "pivot to Asia" remark was tossed out at a news conference, probably 'cause they couldn't think of anything better to say.  It would have been better to say nothing and avoid putting everyone's teeth on edge all around the world.

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