Tuesday, November 11, 2014

What is Net Neutrality?

What ever it is, Obama is in favor of it.  Especially when he gets to make the rules.  What ever it is, the FCC will gain control over the internet, a control that the Supreme Court has denied them earlier this year. 
   The current internet works pretty good for me.  I get broadband for $14.99 a month.  It's fast enough for movies.  I can go to any site I please.  Email goes thru, it's nearly as dependable as snail mail.  What's not to like?  And lets not mess it up. 
   There is some controversy about streaming video.  the video outfits (Netflix) love streaming video.  The service providers are luke warm, video sucks up fantastic amounts of bandwidth. requiring expensive new lines to be buried in the dirt.  The service providers, given their druthers, would charge extra for streaming video, and assign it a lower priority to allow email, web surfing, googling, and other net services to run at regular speed and streaming video to run when it doesn't interfere with other services.  They don't do that now, but they have been muttering about it. 
   Obama has messed up so many things, the economy, international relations, Iraq, healthcare, Solyndra, and my electric rates.  He has the reverse Midas touch, everything he touches turns to garbage.  With a record like that, lets keep his hands off the Internet. 

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