Sunday, October 30, 2016

The economy is most important issue.

Why?  Because with a strong economy all other things become possible.  With a strong economy everyone can find a job, and the 10% of the working age population that doesn't have a job, or can't find full time work, or is on the official unemployment rate will all have jobs.  And they will pay taxes instead of absorbing welfare bennies.  Boosting tax revenue by 10% would do good things for the deficit, and provide money for all sorts of social bennies, better schools, more infrastructure, maternity leave, you name it, money makes it all possible.  A strong growing economy throws off money like a tree shedding its leaves in the fall. 
   A strong economy reduces crime.   It employs people.  The unemployed have the time and motivation to do a little burglary, deal some drugs, steal a few cars.  Put 'em to work and we will have less crime. 
   A strong economy improves civilian morale.  When the economy is strong people feel better about life in general 'cause they no longer worry about loosing their jobs.
   A strong economy gives the muscle needed to deal with Islamic crazies,  Vladimir Putin, the NORKS, and the rest of them.  Remember WWII, our economy won that one.  Starting from scratch the American economy poured forth the war material, aircraft, tanks, rifles, av gas, rations, army trucks, and nuclear weapons that doomed the enemy. American av gas fueled the RAF for the Battle of Britain.  Dodge army trucks and LL Bean shoepaks made the Red Army mobile.  British troops drove American Sherman tanks to victory at El Alamain.  Our economy was efficient and strong enough to keep running at the wartime pace even after 10 million men were taken out the economy and enlisted in the armed forces. 
   The economy has to grow 3% a year just to keep up with population growth.  It has to grow to offer jobs to each year's crop of new high school and college grads.  Obama has failed in this.  Under Obama economic growth has been 1.5% instead of 3%.  That's why so many new grads are still living at home and playing video games, they can't find jobs.
   We need a new president who will make the economy grow.  Open up all federal lands, and offshore waters to oil exploration.  Restrain the NIMBYs and BANANAs who are stopping every sort of construction.  Close tax loopholes and reduce the rates to keep business from fleeing the country.  Shut down the patent trolls.  Repeal Obamacare.  Repeal most of Obama's business killing regulations.  Stop pouring good money into greenie "alternate energy" ratholes. 

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