Monday, July 23, 2018

Bears over the years

We have bears up here in the North Country.  Here are a few bears photographed from my deck.  I am OK with bears, I keep my distance, the bears keep their distance, and we are all very happy.  And I never put  trash out on the deck.  And I don't feed bears.  Next town over, they had some hippy dippies living right down town and feeding bears from their garden apartment building.  That town had to pass a town ordinance against feeding bears in town.  My town has smarter residents, even the Massachusetts retirees know enough not to feed bears in town, or anywhere else for that matter.  Bears are cool to have around.  But you gotta remember that they are very strong, very fast, and always hungry, and totally wild.  If they think you threaten them, or their cubs, they can become VERY nasty.  And being wild animals, they are impulsive, and easily scared.  You don't want to mess with a scared bear. 

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