US voters gave us Biden, a crime wave, the Afghan disgrace, the price of gasoline, the price of fuel oil, inflation, what have I left out? We have a federal election coming up in 11 months, less than a year. Voters ought to vote Republican now that we see how awful a Democrat administration can be.
We can help those voters. We need to talk up the good points of the Republican candidates. Mention their names and where they are coming from. Do a little research and talk up what they promise to do when elected. Arguing with a voter is counterproductive; voters don’t want to be argued with. Stick to talking about the goodness of Republican candidates.
We ought to be able to vote in a Republican majority in both the federal House and Senate. That should stop the worst of the Democrat bills. In New Hampshire we need good Republican candidates for our two US rep seats (Kuster and Pappas) and we need someone to run against Maggie Hassen for US senate. We gained a Republican majority in state government last year, we need to keep that. You can do the state good by voting a straight Republican ticket.
We need to get rid of Republicans in Name Only (RINO’s). These are politicians who claim to be Republicans but down deep they are tax and spend democrats. I don’t know of any in New Hampshire, fortunately. Voters in other states should identify their RINOs and primary them. I call any Republican who votes for Democrat laws more than just a few times a RINO.
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