Any kind of mask will catch that cloud of muckiness’ from sneezing of coughing. So the mask protects other people if you wear it. Some fringe TV people have been claiming that you are infectious even after getting all your shots. I don’t believe these people yet. They never name the experimenter who gathered this alarming data, they never tell about the methodology. So far the people spreading this rumor lack credibility.
Virus particles are small; you need an electronic microscope to see them. That’s so small that the gaps in the weave of cloth look humungeous to a virus. When you sneeze a virus particle out your nose, it is buried in a droplet of “water” (there is a ruder name for the stuff) which is plenty big enough to be caught be ordinary cloth. After floating around in the air of the room, the “water” evaporates, leaving just the super small virus particle which can go thru a plain cloth mask. Dunno about those blue paper throwaway masks. The paper looks to have a much closer weave than cloth, I don’t know if it is enough closer to make a difference.
Then we have the
“N95” masks. The TV people say they will
stop anything. They don’t give test
results. I have never seen one. I never heard of them before this Corona
virus thing got started. So I have no
solid information to offer.
But, wearing a mask protects people around you. Cashiers, waitresses, cabbies, members of your congregation, and others will feel better if they see you wearing a mask. I don’t believe that wearing a mask protects you, just others. The “N95” masks might be better but I have never seen one. You are on you own about their effectiveness.
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