Monday, February 13, 2012

What not to Wear

On TV. Plaids, Houndstooth sports jackets, striped shirts. Busy ties. Anything with a fine pattern to it, cause the TV cameras and sets cannot handle a fine pattern, little tiny dots or stripes. Instead we set a shimmering rainbow of color interference patterns. Most distracting, and yet I keep seeing people show up on TV for interviews wearing this stuff.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Will the Catholics back off?

Obama gave Catholics nation wide a slap in the face, demanding that Catholic schools and charities offer birth control "services" (pills) to all their workers. It must have been pretty bad to get Catholic bishops (normally a leftie lot) to speak out against Obama. Heat got intense enough for Obama to offer a "compromise" on Friday.
It ain't much of a compromise. They still got to offer the pills for free, but the insurance companies will route the paperwork directly to the insured, bypassing the Catholic institution. The institution still has to pay for all this, they just don't have to dirty their hands touching the actual insurance paperwork. Big deal.
Will this fig leaf be enough to get Catholic's off the war path? Catholic clergy have traditionally been democrats, so a lot of them will be happy to accept Obama's compromise for political reasons. Catholic laity are all over the map, 'cause they are real Americans and hold a diversity of views. Obama wins if he can just get the Catholic clergy off his case, 'cause the clergy still draw a lot of water with the laymen.

Words from a Weasel

Channel 9 is interviewing a democratic lady who is running for governor of NH. "Cilley" was her last name, I didn't catch the first name. "So how are you different from your opponent/the incumbent?" asks the channel 9 newsie. "I have a different life experience." is the answer to both questions.
Highly informative, that.
Ms. Cilley was highly indignant about the Republican's balanced budget. When asked how she would pay for her enhanced spending plans, she waffled, and the newsie let her get away with it.

Out of the mouths of babes

Watching "Meeting the Press" this morning. E.J. Dionne says "There aren't many leftists in the United States."

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Felt tip

I'm watching one of those woodworking shows on NHPTV, you know the kind where a museum quality flawless colonial highboy is knocked out in a 45 minute show.
He is using a FELT TIP pen to mark his cuts. I never do that, felt tip ink doesn't come off. It sinks into the wood and stays there. Forever.
Use a pencil, pencil marks rub off no sweat.

Super Pac

Super PAC, faster than the 24 hour news cycle, able to leap hostile MSM with a single bound. And just born this year. So this is what "campaign finance reform" has brought us to?
Obama and the dems blame it all on the Supremes and the Citizen's United case two years ago. Obama was so bummed out about Citizen's United that he bad mouthed the Supremes in a State of the Union speech with all nine Supremes sitting in the audience, in uniform. Which pissed them all off. Obama must have been really bummed out that day. It's considered stupid and hazardous to your health to go around antagonizing people at the top of the food chain.
Citizen's United was about a small citizen's group with an axe to grind, they made a hard hitting (not to say partisan) movie pushing their issue. And the Federal Election Commission forbade them from showing it. Claimed it was illegal electioneering. Citizen's United felt it was a plain issue of free speach, and they sued. Took it to the Supreme Court and won. And the Supremes said free speech means anyone, citizens, companies, unions, churches, you name it, can spend as much as they like to support any candidate or any issue they like. First Amendment, free speech.
This blew 50 years of "campaign financing reform" out the window. "Campaign Finance Reform", darling of good government groups and liberals, means rules limiting the amount of money political candidates can raise. All of a sudden, the Supremes say that limits are unconstitutional.
This resulted in today's comical situation. Ordinary PAC's and candidates are still subject to all sorts of rules, like no contributions greater than $2500 (chickenfeed). But Super PACs can do anything they want, just so long as they are "independent" of any candidate. Which leads to the comedy routine where Romney says "By law, I have no control over my Super Pac, and there fore I cannot tell them to stop trashing Newt Gingrich."
Elections would be cleaner and less comical without the Super PACs. Just repeal all the "campaign finance reform" laws and replace them with a single simple law that merely requires candidates to report who gave them how much. We voters can figure it out from there.
All the money would flow to the candidates, who have a certain sense of decency, and would not do things like the Swiftboat campaign that did so much damage to John Kerry. Or all those negative ads on Newt. It would be better if the candidates were responsible for their campaign ads.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Hackers slow the F-35 program

F-35, USAF's newest fighter, is in a limbo between the R&D phase and the "approved-for-mass-production" phase. Small numbers of the aircraft have been built and flown. They have passed some their acceptance tests. Schedule has been slipping, and costs rising.
According to Aviation Week, enemy hackers have broken into contractor's computers and downloaded plans, specs, software, and listened in to on-line video conferences between F-35 project managers. Ouch.
Apparently F-35 avionics software is being rewritten and antennaes are being redesigned after the original designs were compromised by hackers.
Let's hear for Windows and video conferencing.