Sunday, February 12, 2012

Will the Catholics back off?

Obama gave Catholics nation wide a slap in the face, demanding that Catholic schools and charities offer birth control "services" (pills) to all their workers. It must have been pretty bad to get Catholic bishops (normally a leftie lot) to speak out against Obama. Heat got intense enough for Obama to offer a "compromise" on Friday.
It ain't much of a compromise. They still got to offer the pills for free, but the insurance companies will route the paperwork directly to the insured, bypassing the Catholic institution. The institution still has to pay for all this, they just don't have to dirty their hands touching the actual insurance paperwork. Big deal.
Will this fig leaf be enough to get Catholic's off the war path? Catholic clergy have traditionally been democrats, so a lot of them will be happy to accept Obama's compromise for political reasons. Catholic laity are all over the map, 'cause they are real Americans and hold a diversity of views. Obama wins if he can just get the Catholic clergy off his case, 'cause the clergy still draw a lot of water with the laymen.

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