Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Going to the national convention always used to be a big deal.  Everyone wants to go.  Hell, even my mother got to go to the national Republican convention one year. 
Now we are hearing that a number of heavy duty democrats are NOT going to the convention in Charlotte.  Claire McCaskell from Missouri is the latest "I'm not going" announcement.
Hmm.  Not a good sign for Obama when politicians avoid his convention.

The Diane Whines Show

Listened to Diane Rahm on NPR  on the way back from Concord yesterday.  The guests were bewailing the terrible trials of parents, the difficulty of finding daycare, the difficulties of after school care, the unfairness of spending time to care for their children instead of advancing their careers, the difficulties of covering children during spring vacations, and on and on.  All guests agreed that more government assistance was needed to protect the family.  And wasn't it terrible how those Republicans refused to provide for all these deserving  parents.
   Well, speaking as a veteran parent, we experienced all those difficulties, and we coped, one way or another. Improvise, adapt, overcome, it works for parenting as well as for the Marines. We didn't expect government assistance, we expected child rearing to call for some sacrifices on our part.  The emotional rewards of raising a family more than compensated for those sacrifices.
   More government subsidies not required.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Gunwalking for Fun and Profit

The Congressional drive to get the documents on Fast and Furious is perfectly legitimate.  We, the voters, thru our Congressmen want to know a few simple things.  Like who set up Fast & Furious, who ran it, and who approved it. 
   After we have the names, we want these idiots fired, black listed and prosecuted.  So far this has not happened.  Then we put their names in US history books, right next to Benedict Arnold.
   That's the best we can do to make sure it never happens again.  
   Giving guns to Mexican drug gangs is :
1. Stupid.
2. Illegal
3. Dangerous. 

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Nutrition Nanny, British style

The Economist is bewailing the effect of Great Depression 2.0 on the British diet.  Sales of organic food is down, sales of fresh meat and fish is down.  Sales of heat-n-eats (TV dinners) are up.  Oh woe is Merry Old England.  Even lower than pub grub is a TV dinner. 
   According to the Economist, many Brits actually like TV dinners, which makes them doubly sinful.  How can we keep all those upper lips stiff eating food that actually tastes good (or at least reasonably OK)?  You have to wonder have well connected the Economist really is.  In America only kids really like TV dinners.  Grownups will eat them, but are less than enthusiastic about them.  I would have thought the Brits would work the same way.


Lotta names been floated on TV for Romney's Veep.  All the names are Republican senators, governors, and US reps.  It would be a shame to waste a good solid vote getting Republican on the office of the vice president.  For instance US rep Ryan does us more good as chairman of the House budget committee than he (or anyone else) could do as VP.  Likewise Sen Marco Rubio, Gov Chris Christy, Gov Bobby Jindal,  are key Republican politicians filling critical offices.  If one of 'em gets pushed into the VP slot, we have opened up that critical office to a democrat, or at best, a less effective Republican. 
    VP isn't all that important (unless the president dies in office).  Let's find some reasonable and competent  second stringer for VP.  Leave the Republican stars in the critical offices they have already.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Advertisement_Yuck #2

Guy pulls up in front of a house in a VW.  Gets out of the car and slams the driver's door.  About 20 kid's toys fall out of the curbside tree and bounce on the sidewalk.  Just to verify things, the guy slams the VW door a second time.  More stuff falls out of the tree, including an orange cat which lands on the VW roof, meows, and scurries away.

Advertisement_Yuck #1

The Geico Gecko meets the Roadrunner and Wiley Coyote.  Geico must have had to pay some serious licencing money, but the result is very funny, at least for old Roadrunner fans.