Sunday, June 24, 2012


Lotta names been floated on TV for Romney's Veep.  All the names are Republican senators, governors, and US reps.  It would be a shame to waste a good solid vote getting Republican on the office of the vice president.  For instance US rep Ryan does us more good as chairman of the House budget committee than he (or anyone else) could do as VP.  Likewise Sen Marco Rubio, Gov Chris Christy, Gov Bobby Jindal,  are key Republican politicians filling critical offices.  If one of 'em gets pushed into the VP slot, we have opened up that critical office to a democrat, or at best, a less effective Republican. 
    VP isn't all that important (unless the president dies in office).  Let's find some reasonable and competent  second stringer for VP.  Leave the Republican stars in the critical offices they have already.

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