Saturday, June 9, 2012

Real Jobs and Government Jobs

Thing to bear in mind.  Real jobs produce real wealth.  Real jobs manufacture stuff, transport stuff, grow stuff, mine stuff, construct stuff.  At quitting time, the real worker goes home knowing that there is a little more wealth in the world than when he came on shift. 
   Government jobs do not create wealth.  Firemen, cops, school teachers, soldiers, and bureaucrats may be necessary, but they don't create wealth.  Their salaries are paid with money taken from the real workers by force of law. At quitting time the government worker goes home knowing that it's five o'clock.
    You hear Obama saying "The private economy is doing OK, it's the government employment that needs help."  and you gotta know the president is talking thru his hat.
    You hear "progressive" economists like Krugman and democratic  politicians decrying the reduction of the government work force as if  government workers were the key to prosperity.  They aren't.
   Prosperity comes from real workers at real jobs.  Euro style bankruptcy comes from  government jobs.

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