It's money out of my pocket, I don't care if you call it a tax or a penalty, it's still money taken away from me. I don't like that no matter what you call it.
Newsies and other twitterati get all excited about "precedent", claiming that a "precedent" might win a future court case. Yeah right, but we lost this one now and we lost it big. No amount of "precedent" can make up for that. Plus the courts rule any old way they want to. They don't pay attention to "precedent" in real life, although they claim they do.
So let's drop the "is it a tax or is it a penalty" talk. Every time I hear the TV start in on it again, I reach for the remote control.
This blog posts about aviation, automobiles, electronics, programming, politics and such other subjects as catch my interest. The blog is based in northern New Hampshire, USA
Friday, July 6, 2012
Thursday, July 5, 2012
F-35 fighters sold to Japan for $129 Million apiece
Nice plane and all, but $129 million for a single seat fighter? The Japanese could only afford four of them.
Jackie Cilley ad. Stop the Pledge
Jackie Cilley is a democratic candidate for governor of NH. "The Pledge" in full reads "I Pledge to never ever allow a state income tax in NH". The pledge has been required of all politicians in NH for decades. Ms Cilley's ad popped up on my facebook page this morning. I hope this rather lame ad means Ms Cilley is defeatable by Republicans.
I would not run an election ad that reads "I want to sock you with an income tax." even phrased in north country code words, if I was looking to attract votes around here. Maybe she thinks it will work down south along the border where Massachusetts democrats have been infiltrating New Hampshire.
I would not run an election ad that reads "I want to sock you with an income tax." even phrased in north country code words, if I was looking to attract votes around here. Maybe she thinks it will work down south along the border where Massachusetts democrats have been infiltrating New Hampshire.
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Disney/Pixar Bride
Went to see it last night at the Jax Jr. Enjoyable. The tale is set in McBeth-land with a touch of Viking (sort of medieval Scotland with Scandinavian touches). Gloomy stone castle on a commanding height, deep woods. Beautiful tomboy daughter of the local king is being groomed for a dynastic marriage by her mother. She has very impressive long red wavy hair which the computers lovingly render strand by strand and frame by frame. Needless to say she is deeply into archery and horseback riding, and given the set of clods for suitors that Pixar gives her, no wonder.
The Pixar animation is up to it's usual standards. Sound is good. It's in 3-D which is something of a pain and doesn't help the movie at all. There are some holes in the plot and the characterizations, but it remains a good flick. Go see it if you haven't already.
The Pixar animation is up to it's usual standards. Sound is good. It's in 3-D which is something of a pain and doesn't help the movie at all. There are some holes in the plot and the characterizations, but it remains a good flick. Go see it if you haven't already.
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
So how much per truck?
Fox News reports that the US and Pakistan have patched up some differences. In return for some kind of regrets about blowing a Paki border post away (with 20 odd troops inside it at the time) the Pakis will open up the Kyber Pass to US supply trucks, hauling supplies to US troops in Afghanistan. Sounds good. Fox failed to tell us about the baksheeh (money) involved.
Before the Paki's shut down the Kyber Pass, about 6 months ago, they had been getting $100 a truck in bribes, tolls, squeeze, and payoffs. We heard demands of $1000 a truck after the pass was to reopen. The Fox piece made no mention whatsoever of baksheesh. How much are we paying the Pakis to get supplies thru to our men in Afghanistan? Somebody knows, but they aren't telling us.
Before the Paki's shut down the Kyber Pass, about 6 months ago, they had been getting $100 a truck in bribes, tolls, squeeze, and payoffs. We heard demands of $1000 a truck after the pass was to reopen. The Fox piece made no mention whatsoever of baksheesh. How much are we paying the Pakis to get supplies thru to our men in Afghanistan? Somebody knows, but they aren't telling us.
Care for the small lawn
The small lawn, what you get with a starter house, or perhaps a condo. Say 8000 square feet or less. Actually, grass is easy to grow, tolerates sun, shade, cruddy soil, drought, benign neglect. It will start from grass seed and be tall enough to mow in 4-5 weeks. Unless you want that hayfield look, it does need to be mowed 'bout once a week during grass season. If the mower whacks off too much it shocks the grass. Cutting it down an inch or so is fine, whacking off a foot a a time will make the grass dizzy. I set the mower high, 3 of 4 inches up, to allow the grass a decent length of green to do the photosynthesis thing and feed the roots. Let the clippings just fall into the lawn, they sift in and disappear, they help hold moisture, and help hold the soil against the rain. Plus the grass takes something out of the soil to do all that growing; if you bag the clippings and haul 'em away, the soil will run out of that something.
There is a lot to be said for a hand mower over a power mower. The power mover is as hard to push as the hand type, it requires hearing protection, it will fling rocks out the discharge chute at bullet speeds. Power mowers never start after wintering in the garage. Remember, we are talking small lawns here, not the five acre spread.
Normal grass grows so fast that it will crowd out the average low powered weed. Hand pluckery will control the higher powered dandelions and plantains. Plucking is easiest the day after a rain, the soil will be soft and the weeds will come up by the roots. I don't use herbicide or "weed & feed", 'cause the active ingredient is Agent Orange which has a nasty rep going back to the Viet Nam war.
For fertilizing, I rely upon the contents of my cat box. Just walk about and spread the stuff widely, That evil odor is ammonia (fixed nitrogen) which plants find tasty. The Kitty Litter is fine and light and will improve the quality of your soil. If you don't have a pet, commercial nitrogen fertilizer works too. Up here in New England, the soil is acid, pretty much everywhere, so a light spread of powdered lime will help sweeten it, which makes grass happy. Fireplace ashes are good too, but make sure they are finely and thinly spread. A concentrated clump will burn the grass.
There is a lot to be said for a hand mower over a power mower. The power mover is as hard to push as the hand type, it requires hearing protection, it will fling rocks out the discharge chute at bullet speeds. Power mowers never start after wintering in the garage. Remember, we are talking small lawns here, not the five acre spread.
Normal grass grows so fast that it will crowd out the average low powered weed. Hand pluckery will control the higher powered dandelions and plantains. Plucking is easiest the day after a rain, the soil will be soft and the weeds will come up by the roots. I don't use herbicide or "weed & feed", 'cause the active ingredient is Agent Orange which has a nasty rep going back to the Viet Nam war.
For fertilizing, I rely upon the contents of my cat box. Just walk about and spread the stuff widely, That evil odor is ammonia (fixed nitrogen) which plants find tasty. The Kitty Litter is fine and light and will improve the quality of your soil. If you don't have a pet, commercial nitrogen fertilizer works too. Up here in New England, the soil is acid, pretty much everywhere, so a light spread of powdered lime will help sweeten it, which makes grass happy. Fireplace ashes are good too, but make sure they are finely and thinly spread. A concentrated clump will burn the grass.
Monday, July 2, 2012
Creepy, Your ebook is reading you.
The Kindles and Nooks report back to their makers, things like what books you buy, how fast you read them, any marginal notes you might make. All this goes to the publishers for data mining to help discover (or make) the next best seller. And all this data can be used against you in court. For instance, was I prosecuting an Islamic terrorist, I'd be sure the jury knows he reads about explosives and weapons. Used to be, libraries refused to divulge what books a person checked out. Kindles and Nooks just squeal on you.
I wonder if the "read-kindle-ebook-on-your-laptop" programs are as nosy.
I wonder if the "read-kindle-ebook-on-your-laptop" programs are as nosy.
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