Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Trump is still ahead, Cruz is not dead yet

According to  Trump now has 754 delegates, Cruz has 465.  Trump won Arizona, Cruz won Utah.  To clinch the nomination, you need 1237 delegates by convention time.  If no one has 1237 (a real possibility) then all kinds of wheeling and dealing take place at the convention to select a nominee.  We have a lot of heavy duty primaries still to go. 
   Cruz must be out talking to all the delegates won by candidates who dropped out, and Kasich who might drop out.  We can assume he is saying " Get behind me, we can beat Trump, and I'll reward you with cabinet jobs, the vice presidency, and some nice pork to take back to your  district."  Whether anyone is listening is unknown. 
   Whether Trump or even Cruz will collect the required 1237 delegates before the convention is too close to call.  Trump is really good on TV, and stands for taking names and kicking ass.  Lotta people like that.  He also has a lot of enemies, and the worst unfavorable rating of anyone in politics, worse even than Hilliary, who is pretty bad herself.  The anti Trump people, who include the party establishment have three more months for Trump bashing.  It might work, although it hasn't been very effective so far. 

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

You oughta get out and vote

Even if you don't like your party's nominee.  If you don't vote, you forfeit any rights to complain about what the government is doing for the next four years.  You got two candidates going for each open office.  One of the two has to be better than the other.  It is your responsibility as a citizen of a democracy to vote for the better of the two candidates.  Can't tell which candidate is better?  You haven't done your home work.  Go to each candidates website.  It's the 21st century, they all got websites now.  Read their campaign promises.  You gotta like one set of promises better than the other.  Google on the candidate's name.  See what kinda dirt comes up.  See who endorses them.  If all fails, flip a coin.  But go out and vote.  If you don't, the worse guy will win. 
   If the choice for president comes down to Trump vs Hilliary, neither of which I like much, you gotta make a pick.  And vote your pick.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Kasich, Trump and Cruz address AIPAC

AIPAC, American Israeli Political Action Committee.  I watched Kasich, followed by Trump, followed by Cruz address this Jewish pro Israel group.  All three of 'em said all the right things, and received lots of applause.  This is an important group, they represent most American Jews, who can be a decisive factor in American elections.  Most Jews back the state of Israel all the way, although they tend to vote democratic.  After 8 years of Obama trashing Israel, they might b ready to vote Republican.   

Parts per trillion

Apparently some chemical that I never heard of was detected is some water wells in some obscure NH towns whose names mean nothing to me.   They finally got a guy on from state Dept of Environmental Services who actually knew a few things.  Apparently the contamination is no worse than 100 parts per trillion.  Wow.  First time I have heard things quoted as parts per trillion.  Used to be one part per million was about the limit of lab work. 
   Then he said that the EPA limit for magic chemical (SFRA? something strange) was 400 parts per trillion.  In short the detected levels are still way below the limit. 
   Could the newsies be looking for something they can blow up into a Flint Michigan type scandal?

New Hampshire un employment rate down to 2.7%

Wow.  Best in the nation.  Labor utilization rate is 78%, best in the nation.  The NPR commentators were talking about business leaving the state 'cause they cannot find workers.
   Talk about a quick turnaround.  Things were so bad up here a couple of years ago  my youngest son had to go out the North Dakota to find work.   I'm sorta wondering if the unemployment rate is low because all the able bodied workers have already left NH to find work out of state.
   Then the NPR pundits started talking magic talk, like how commuter rail to Manchester would attract workers from out of state.  And how NH needs to do something (unspecified) to the NH schools to produce more "trained" workers. 

National Progressive Radio wants to give Gitmo back to Cuba

NPR ran a medium length piece about this this morning.  They dwelt on the history, Gitmo was war booty to us after the Spanish American war of 1898.  Which was a long time ago.  According to NPR the Cubans are still all hot and bothered about it, and we could make peace and goodness and light flow by giving it back to Cuba.
    Wanna bet The Donald could cut a better deal than that? 

Sunday, March 20, 2016

So why is Obama making nice to Cuba?

Well, it looks good to the lefties in the Democratic party, but do ordinary Americans  approve? Or care?  I think most Cubans in the country are refugees from Castro, and would be happier to nuke Cuba than to recognize Cuba.  I suppose Obama will get some "legacy" out of it, but does the US as a whole, not just Obama and his cronies, get anything out of it?