Saturday, January 4, 2020

Counter Cyberattacks with lawyers

Since Friday's Iranian dustup, which snuffed Suliemani, the newsies have been warning of cyber counter attacks from Iran.  If that happens, and if they put anything important down, we have a vast surplus of lawyers sloshing around the country looking for something to do.  We should sic 'em on the companies careless enough to fall to cyber attack.
   There is no excuse for a company to fall victim to a cyber attack.  Straight forward simple procedures will keep Iranian hackers from putting out the lights in the US.  Some rules follow
1.  Never use the public internet, or the public phone system to remote control or monitor anything.  If you just have to have remote control, string your own fiber optics.  In most cases this is the power company, which owns their own poles and has their own line crews to string new fiber optic cable.  This way you have to climb a pole and splice in an optical signal splitter to tap into the control signals.  Hackers don't climb poles.  If they cannot get to the target over the public internet, sitting comfortably in their offices, they don't go there.
2.  Don't run Windows for anything important.  Go with Apple or Linux or anything other than Windows.  Windows is like Swiss cheese, holes every where.  Windows does autorun, any media (floppy disc, CD, DVD, flashdrive) plugged into a Windows computer is checked for  music and code.  Music gets played. code gets run. Malicious code gets loaded onto disk and run.  That's how we spread the Stuxnet virus onto Iranian computers controlling centrifugal uranium isotope separators.  Stuxnet ordered the centrifugal separators to run full speed until they self destructed.  We put the Stuxnet code onto flashdrives and scattered the flashdrives over Iranian parking lots. Sharp eye Iranian workers spotted them on the way into work, picked them up, took them into work, and plugged them into work computers.  The centrifugal isotope separators started blowing up shortly there after.
  Should Iranian hackers knock out anything we care about, we should sic our vast surplus of lawyers on the stupid company.  They ought to be able to sue them, and get convictions for pure stupidity.  The thought of an army of hungry lawyers suing them down to their socks ought to stimulate even Dilbert's pointy haired boss into action.

Friday, January 3, 2020

So we snuffed Iranian big wig Sulimani (sp?)

I never heard of this guy before today.  But the TV newsies are claiming he was a big deal, and snuffing him will cause a war with Iran.  Far as I am concerned Sulimani was just another Iranian terrorist, and we did good to kill him.   It should send a simple message to the Iranians, namely "Mess with the American and they will mess with you".  Are the Iranians smart enough to take the hint?

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Let's keep private health insurance

Something like 3/4 of Americans have pretty decent health insurance thru their company or their union.  I enjoyed it for 40 years.  It covered everything, and it covered my wife and my three children.  I'd still be on it if I had not retired and gone onto Medicare.  
   I am listening to most (all?) of the Democrats calling to kill private health insurance and force us all onto "medicare for all" or "single payer" schemes that do not exist yet.  So we have no idea what we are getting into, but anyone who has ever had to deal with departments of motor vehicles to register a car has the deepest suspicions.  Most of us want to keep our private health insurance.
  I will grant that the self employed who have to go out and buy individual family policies are getting screwed.  We could fix that.  All it would take is a law requiring the insurance companies to sell the same policy they sell to big companies, at the big company price, to ordinary citizens.  Probably a federal law.  Having the 50 states each enact such a law, good only in state, would be extra messy.  And welfare for lawyers.
   Somehow I don't think the Democrat approach to health insurance this year is going to get them elected.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Keeping the narative alive. Trump Impeachment version.

As long as Nancy Pelosi keeps sitting on the Great Impeachment Show (GIS) paperwork the newsies keep the subject alive.  Should she send the paperwork over to the Senate, the Republicans will do their best to finish it up as quickly as possible.  They have the votes to do it.  Then GIS is done and gone and we can move forward. 
   Chuckie the Schumer  and some other Democrats are complaining that the Senate won't call this witness or that witness and it's all unfair.  Jeez.  If they had such terribly important witnesses they should have had 'em testify during the months long House version of GIS. 
   Could it be that the Democrats like it this way?  As long as GIS is in town they don't have to do any real lawmaking. 

Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Keeping consumer spending alive and well

Consumer spending is 70% of American GNP.  That's a lot and it is what keeps the US economy humming.  And consumer spending has its ups and downs.  When it is up, things are good all over.  When it is down people are thrown out of work, business profits disappear and gloom covers the land.  The financial pundits at least understand this, and they have devised theories to account for swings in consumer sentiment and even indexes of consumer sentiment that claim to predict consumer behavior. 
   Most things consumers spend money on are discretionary.  They don't have to buy a new car, at least not this year.  They can postpone buying a new house.  They can put off home maintenance projects like new siding, remodeling the kitchen, or reroofing.  They can skip back to school buying and send the kids to school in hand-me-downs.  They can put Santa in the closet and put the Grinch in charge of Christmas buying.  About the only things consumers absolutely have to buy are groceries, utilities, and the rent.  When consumers feel stressed, they cut back spending as much as they can, which sends the larger economy into a tailspin. 
   A powerful driver of consumer spending is the job market.  If the consumers fear loosing their jobs, they will cut back everywhere they can.  If they feel their jobs are safe and secure, then they are willing to spend on stuff.  Obama and Obamacare made everyone fear layoffs which kept GNP growth down around 1%.  With Trump everyone feels secure in their jobs and we have GNP growth up around 3%. 
    Not to panic the American consumer.  Bad things happen if you do.

Sunday, December 29, 2019

Effective new car advertising

They been running this one on Fox News several times a day.  Beige SUV pulls up a steep driveway and stops at the front door.  Scene has the color canceled out for a nice arty black and white look. Woman gets out, opens front door , enters her house to find it is a mess.  All the children are in the living room playing mess making games.  Room is super untidy.  Woman backs out the front door, gets back in her SUV and reclines the driver's seat. Closes eyes.
Message to us car buyers, our SUV interior is more comfortable than your child infested house.  And, you Mom get little pleasure from your children and you don't like keeping house.  So buy a Lincoln SUV to get away from it all parked in your driveway. 
   I think it might have been a Lincoln Navigator but they never mentioned the product name on air. 
   This ad is REALLY going to motivate me (a guy) or any chick I ever knew to buy a Lincoln Navigator.  Or any other Lincoln SUV. 
   Can you say "Turnoff"?

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Bipartisan means everybody gets lots of money.

The house needed both Democratic and Republican votes to pass the federal budget and avoid yet another federal government shutdown.  So, the Republicans got a big boost (maybe $100 billion) in defense spending, and funding for the Mexican border wall.  Democrats got $75 million (chicken feed really) for a gun control study group.  At least that is all I have heard about.  I daresay a good look at the budget will find more spending and a good helping of pork.  But the newsies are all hypnotized by the Great Impeachment Show (GIS) so we don't really know what all got slipped into the humongous federal budget.  Plus the entire budget is so big and complicated that the newsies would not understand it.  Few newsies can do addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, even with a smart phone to help out. 
   We should not be passing great big fund everything bills.  Those are just to big and complicated for anyone the understand what is really going on.  We ought to pass one funding bill for every Federal department, defense, state, treasury, homeland defense, education, health and human services, and so on and so on.  The smaller one department spending bills are small enough for one person to understand and tell us voters what is really going down.