Thursday, October 15, 2020

Judge Barrett hearings

 Democrats are saying that Judge Barrett will strike down Roe vs Wade, Obamacare, Obergerfell (sp?) (the gay marriage ruling) and I forget what else.  I am pretty sure Judge Barrett will rule in accordance with the written law.  If that causes her to strike down any of these Democrat sacred cows, too bad.  Congress can pass new laws anytime it feels like it.  If they have the votes.  Getting enough votes to reinstate Roe vs Wade might be tough.  Same goes for reinstating Obama care or Obergerfell (sp?) 

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Faith and Justice


Religious faith is a good thing for judges to have.  Religion is the origin of our notions of right and wrong, good and evil, moral and immoral, just and unjust.  Moses brought the 10 commandments down from Mount Sinai a very long time ago.  Religion also speaks of mercy, as well as justice.  Justice needs to be tempered with mercy. 

   I think Judge Barrett’s Catholic faith makes her a better judge. 

Monday, October 12, 2020

Judge Barrett hearings.

Been watching the Senate  judicial committee warming up for hearings on Judge Barrett.  Instead of discussing Judge Barrett's qualifications, fitness to serve, and  judicial philosophy, the Democrats used their time to trash Trump and whine about Senate refuse\al to consent to Merrick Garland's appointment back in 2016.  

   The true purpose of hearings on Supreme Court nominees is to inform us voters as to the fitness of the nominee to serve.  We know that Democrats all hate Trump, we have heard that before.  And events from way back in 2016 are also well known and of little interest in 2020.  We really want to hear about Judge Barrett.  I suppose the lack of Democrat discussion of the nominee means they have been unable to find any dirt to smear her with.  Be thankful for small favors.

Saturday, October 10, 2020

Peak Leaf Season in Franconia Notch

I fired up the Buick yesterday and did some cruising around looking for good leaf pictures. 

Mt. Lafayette from Lincoln.  Winter is coming.

Hard working tree.  This one looked a lot more colorful by eye than it does in this photo.
Lafayette from Peabody slopes.  Note Eagle Cliff in foreground.  Winter is coming.
Lafayette again.  I could not decide which of these two photos was the better one.
Good bright red tree at Mittersill.

Friday, October 9, 2020

Nobody makes campaign promises anymore.

 Used to be, candidates would promise to do all sorts of good stuff if elected.  And, when elected they failed to live up to their promises, we voters and the newsies got all over their case.  Not any more.  Neither Trump not Biden have promised a thing this year.  We cannot trash the winner for reneging on his campaign promises, 'cause he never made any.  With Trump, it's a good bet that he will keep on doing what he has been doing for the last four years.  With Biden, or rather with the people who are "advising" Biden, it's hard to tell.  They have let a lot of far left talk drift out to the electorate, and the electorate has been lukewarm to negative on it, and they have stopped talking about it.  Anything might happen.  I don't see much dynamic leader left in Biden, not at his age.  He could just go with the flow until he dies in office. 

Sunday, October 4, 2020

One of the saddest days in WWII.

 France, a great power, at least before June of 1940, owned a powerful navy.  Not quite as big as the Royal Navy, but far bigger than anything Hitler had at his disposal.   With the French fleet under his control, Operation Sea Lion might have worked.  The Germans possessed a very small fleet, and the British had been making it smaller.  They sank the Graf Spee and at Narvik HMS Warspite had steamed up a fiord, cornered and sunk most of the Germany destroyer fleet.  In the summer of 1940, the Royal Navy had better than 100 destroyers, backed up by thirty odd cruisers and half a dozen battleships.

The Germans had practically nothing.  The Royal Navy would have had no trouble sinking anything the Germans had in mid Channel.

On the other hand, if Hitler had laid his hands on the French fleet, he would have had a chance.  The bulk of the French fleet was at Oran in North Africa.  The British send a large fleet to Oran and told the French Admiral Gensoul in command that he had three choices, sail his fleet to British ports, sail to the French West Indies (Martinique) or sail to the United States.  Otherwise be sunk right there at Oran.   The French tried to stall for time.  The British were in no mood to put up with that, they opened fire and sank the entire French fleet right then and there.  You would have thought that after 1000 years of dealing with the British, the French would have understood what they could and could not get away with.  Apparently not.  Needless to say, this ruined Anglo French relations for the rest of WWII, but it did keep the French fleet out of German hands. 

They stopped the world...

 But they won't let me get off.  It must be that nothing is happening, anywhere in the world, except the debate last Thursday and Trump's Corona virus case announced in the early AM Friday.  The TV news and the internet has talked about nothing else. Must mean they stopped everything else, all over the world.  

Or, it means that the newsies prefer writing up opinion pieces and op eds and prognostications which they can do sitting in their offices.  Getting out of the office, talking to people, finding some real stories and writing them up falls into the  newsies's "too hard" basket.