Friday, October 9, 2020

Nobody makes campaign promises anymore.

 Used to be, candidates would promise to do all sorts of good stuff if elected.  And, when elected they failed to live up to their promises, we voters and the newsies got all over their case.  Not any more.  Neither Trump not Biden have promised a thing this year.  We cannot trash the winner for reneging on his campaign promises, 'cause he never made any.  With Trump, it's a good bet that he will keep on doing what he has been doing for the last four years.  With Biden, or rather with the people who are "advising" Biden, it's hard to tell.  They have let a lot of far left talk drift out to the electorate, and the electorate has been lukewarm to negative on it, and they have stopped talking about it.  Anything might happen.  I don't see much dynamic leader left in Biden, not at his age.  He could just go with the flow until he dies in office. 

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