Saturday, October 24, 2020

Who is going to win???


 I simply do not know. The polls suggest that Biden has a small to moderate lead. They said this last time, and were predicting a Hillary win right up until the last minute. The polls have some problems. They run a 1000 call telephone poll and get 100 sets of replies. The pollsters have to boil all those numbers down to a duality, votes for Trump, votes for Biden. To do this, they get the figures for Republican and Democrat registration for the district. Then they adjust the count, to match what they expect.
And there is the problem of the shy Trump voter. The left is so unpleasant toward Republicans that many of them simply refuse to express any party affiliation at all, not even to pollsters. Between all these factors, I believe the polls could be seriously in error.
And I see Trump rallies with tens of thousands of cheering people. I don't see any Biden rallies at all. Surely all that good Trump enthusiasm will show up in the election.

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