Friday, October 23, 2020

The Great Debate

Meh.  Neither Trump nor Biden made a serious gaffe.  I would rate it as a draw.  The two candidates did not interrupt each other like they did the last time.  An improvement.  Both guys threw out a lot of "facts", which I could not check, and in many cases I had never heard of before.  It is hard to evaluate arguments when the "facts" thrown out in support might be real and might be phony.  Biden denied taking any money from the Russians.  That's hard to believe.  If Hunter Biden received $3.5 mil from the Russians I cannot imagine that he did not split the take with "the big guy".  Nobody has denied the story about Hunter's Russian payoff.  Silence gives assent.  If they don't deny it, it is probably true.  Fox news has 12 days to check out Biden's "facts" and label some, or all of them false.  Unless Fox convinces us voters that Biden was telling really ugly whoppers, I think this much bally-hooed debate won't have much effect on the election.

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