Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Biden on Taxes.


Watched Biden on TV the other day.  A lot of happy talk about taxes.  The Democrats want to pass some $4-5 TRILLION dollars of welfare spending and get away with calling it Corona virus relief.  Even the Democrats fear that just printing that much new money might crash the US currency.  Right now the US greenback is respected all over the world.  If you have greenbacks you can spend ‘em and buy stuff anywhere.  The US has never reneged on its debts.  The greenback is accepted worldwide because the Americans have plenty of stuff to sell, at reasonable prices.  But if we print too many new greenbacks, people might get the idea that since there are so many greenbacks floating around that each one is worth less.  Once that idea gets around people will stop accepting greenbacks and the US currency is crashed.  Nobody, not even Democrats, wants to risk that. So Biden was talking about this little tax hike here and that little tax hike there would be enough to raise $4-5 TRILLION.  Somehow I had trouble believing these stories.  I am thinking that raising $4-5 TRILLION of new tax revenue is going to crash the economy and raise my taxes a lot.  And I don’t make anything near the $400K tax hike floor that the Biden people keep talking about. 

Forbidding Office Political Talk caused half the employees to quit.

 Small startup Basecamp decided to curb political conversations at work.  It is not clear whether “conversations” were verbal, around the lunch table or postings on Basecamp social media.  Prior to the no political talk blowup,  Basecamp was trying to present a worker friendly workplace, shorter work weeks in the summer and paying everyone doing the same job the same money. 

   A couple of small companies, Redfin and Harmon Brothers LLC, came out supporting Black Lives Matter which has caused them some internal turbulence. 

   I don’t remember this sort of issue back when I was working.  I retired before Facebook or Twitter was invented. 

Sunday, May 2, 2021

Sticking it to Rudi.

Rudi Giuliani is a distinguished American citizen.  Federal prosecutor for New York, Mayor of New York during 9-11, lawyer to the President of the United States.  I was offended to hear that the FBI had raided Giuliani’s home at 6 AM the other day.  Discourteous to say the least.  If the Feds needed information from Rudi, they should have made an appointment and asked him.  Rudi is a straight up guy; he would assist the Feds in anything legal they were trying to do.   The Feds told the papers that they had a warrant.  I wonder where they got it.  That secret FISA court that approves every request to snoop presented to it?  A real court, the kind that meets five days a week and tries cases? 

Saturday, May 1, 2021

Kitchen Timer Design

Upgrading from an el cheapo $3 all plastic kitchen timer, I received, as a Christmas gift a ThermoWorks (Extra Big & Loud) kitchen timer.  Big feature of the ThermoWorks is good strong magnets that hold it to the refrigerator door.  And a good big LCD display.   Downside, it programs in seconds.  To set a ten minute time, you have to punch in One, Zero, Zero, and Zero.  It would be a lot easier to work if it programmed in minutes, so a ten minute time would punch in as One, Zero.  I never wanter to set a time in seconds in my kitchen. The other down check comes from “Loud”.  It is only loud on a good fresh battery.  With a battery strong enough to work the timer, the ring when time is up can be so faint as I cannot hear it.  I just gave it a fresh new 9 volt battery to bring the ring sound up loud enough to hear. 

Friday, April 30, 2021

Red Dawn 1984

 It's powerful.  Released while the Cold War was still on, it has Russians and Cubans invading the United States.  It was powerful enough to cause our Protestant minister preach an entire Sunday sermon against it. He felt it was too violent and too much of a war mongering flick.  Youngest son liked it.  Back in 1984 I watched it, not bad.  I rewatched it this afternoon and it brought tears to my eyes.   Powerful that flick is.  The last scene where scummy Russian colonel with a machine pistol takes  on Jedd with a ivory handled Colt six gun is cool.  Especially the last part where Jedd is carrying wounded brother Matty to safety and the Cuban officer gets the drop on them but waves them on.  I could understand every line of dialog and the camera man turned on the lights for every scene, no black on black like they do on Game of Thrones.  They don't make movies like that any more.  

Thursday, April 29, 2021

Making corporations pay their fair share.

 Translation:  Tax companies more.  Biden was calling for this just tonight. We can do it, but it is gonna cost us.  The companies will have to raise their prices to pay the extra tax.  That hits all their customers.  So calling for tax hikes on companies just means that some of us, maybe all of us, have to pay the extra tax.  

Tonight I heard Biden claim that 55 companies were skating on their taxes, paying zip.  He didn't bother the name even one of these 55 companies, which makes me think those 55 companies are indeed paying taxes, despite what Biden says.  Be that as it may, if we had a company name we could check their tax returns.  If the company is really paying zip, it must be using a tax loophole.  So we close that tax loophole.  Simple enough to do, and the only good tax loophole is a dead tax loophole.  It should not take all that long to go over 55 company tax returns.  It will take longer to get the Congresscritters to vote to close the loopholes, but it could be done.  Apply enough heat and even Congresscritters will feel it.

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Cooking Fish

 I bought a nice piece of North Atlantic Salmon, maybe 1 1/4 inch thick, a touch over half a pound.  I marinated it in lemon juice, perhaps 5 minutes a side.  Then a bit of olive oil on each side.  Heat the oven to 350, put the fish in a baking dish, and give it 8 minutes in the oven.  Then turn on the broiler and give it another 2 minutes a side.  Tasty.