This blog posts about aviation, automobiles, electronics, programming, politics and such other subjects as catch my interest. The blog is based in northern New Hampshire, USA
Friday, February 4, 2022
Cannon Mountrain Ski Weather
Thursday, February 3, 2022
Crack down on guns. Guns don't protest
New York's new mayor, Eric Adams, an ex cop who ought to know better, is calling for a crackdown on guns. Guns are not his problem, criminals are his problem. But he doesn't have to put up with DA Alvin Bragg whining in favor of criminals, and there are plenty of democrats in New York city who were dumb enough to elect De Blasio and to believe in anything they read in the New York Times.
I say every politician who calls for more gun control is a politician who lacks to stones to go after criminals.
Wednesday, February 2, 2022
We need to do more than alert homebased units.
The Biden administration is breaking their arms patting themselves on their backs for putting 8500 state side troops on alert for movement to eastern Europe. We should have deployed them already. The Russians have 100,000 of their soldiers on the Ukraine border, camping out in the snow. Compared to that 8500 men in the US doesn't seem like much. The Russians ought to know that unprovoked attacks on US forces can make the American's go wild and crazy. Ask the Japanese about this. Korea and 9-11 are other examples.
If we stationed a full US armored division in Ukraine, the Russians would not dare attack.
Tuesday, February 1, 2022
Tom Brady.
Farewell Tom Brady. I am a casual Boston football fan, but I always watch the Superbowl when the New England Patriots are playing. I clearly remember those Superbowl games where you got the ball and made a pass. Connected, made another pass and another pass and marched the Patriots down the field to a goal. Again and again in the same game. Wonderful.
You are entitled to retire. I wish you and your family all the best. You gave us New England fans a wonderful show.
Monday, January 31, 2022
No American should vote for democrats.
The Democrats brought us Joe Biden. The nominated him, they voted for him. Democrats gave us Kamala Harris, who is so bad that nobody wants to impeach Biden, because that would give us Kamala as president. Biden gave us the shameful cut and run from Afghanistan. He gave us $3.50 gasoline. He gave us the worst inflation in forty years. He has promised to nominate a black woman for the Supreme Court, which sounds both racist and sexist to me.
Democrats brought us De Blasio for mayor of New York. And Alvin Bragg for DA in Manhattan. And Nasty Pelosi and Chuckie the Schumer and AOC and the Squad in Congress.
All Americans should vote a straight Republican ticket.
Sunday, January 30, 2022
Outlaw gas stoves.
Just read something about the greenies wanting to outlaw gas stoves. They think gas stoves emit too much carbon dioxide. Typical greenie idea. They don’t realize that the electricity for an electric stove has to be generated. Power plants are only 40% efficient. Only 40% of the heat energy goes into making electricity, the other 60% goes into the electric plant cooling system. Whereas 100% of the heat energy of the natural gas going into a gas stove winds up heating the meal. With electric stoves the power plant has to burn 1.6 times as much fuel to put the same amount of heat into the meal than a gas stove uses.
As a rule of thumb, appliances that heat something, your home, your hot water, your kitchen stove all are more efficient (burn less fuel) if they work by burning a fuel in your house. Electric appliances have to take a 60% fuel loss back at the power plant.
I think the greenies are just looking for something else to do. Something else to make life more difficult and expensive for us regular citizens. Many greenies want to force all of us to live the Hiawatha life style, no central heating, cook over a wood fire in a tepee. Camping out is fun in the summer. Winter up here is different.
Cannon Mountain Ski Weather
We got 6 3/4 inches of snow from yesterday's snow storm. Nice fluffy powder. It's cold, I have 1F up here in Mittersill. Ski is clear and blue, sun is out. TV weatherman promises some warming over the week, getting up to 40F on Friday.