Just read something about the greenies wanting to outlaw gas stoves. They think gas stoves emit too much carbon dioxide. Typical greenie idea. They don’t realize that the electricity for an electric stove has to be generated. Power plants are only 40% efficient. Only 40% of the heat energy goes into making electricity, the other 60% goes into the electric plant cooling system. Whereas 100% of the heat energy of the natural gas going into a gas stove winds up heating the meal. With electric stoves the power plant has to burn 1.6 times as much fuel to put the same amount of heat into the meal than a gas stove uses.
As a rule of thumb, appliances that heat something, your home, your hot water, your kitchen stove all are more efficient (burn less fuel) if they work by burning a fuel in your house. Electric appliances have to take a 60% fuel loss back at the power plant.
I think the greenies are just looking for something else to do. Something else to make life more difficult and expensive for us regular citizens. Many greenies want to force all of us to live the Hiawatha life style, no central heating, cook over a wood fire in a tepee. Camping out is fun in the summer. Winter up here is different.
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