New York City is in for some amusing times. They elected a new mayor, Eric Adams who sounds a lot better than the outgoing De Blasio. Adams was a member of NYPD for a good long time, worked his way up to serious rank in the department. Adams has promised to crack down on crime and clean things up. Sounds good to me, although living way up in New Hampshire, I may not be fully in touch with New York City doings.
Same time New York is getting a new District Attorney, a certain Alvin Bragg. Alvin is a soft on crime guy and on his first day in office released a long list of crimes that his office would no longer prosecute. Criminals accused of these no longer prosecuted crimes would be turned loose. This ought to handicap Eric Adams efforts to crack down on crime. Back in the day, Rudi Guiliano introduced “broken windows policing” namely arresting and charging for minor offenses like jumping subway turnstiles on the theory that you often caught wanted criminals and it put out the word to the underworld that the cops were serious. Alvin clearly doesn’t believe in “broken windows”.
I don’t know how Alvin came into office. If he was elected, then the good citizens of New York who elected him are going to have to suffer. If he was appointed somehow, New Yorkers ought to be looking for the scalp of who ever appointed him.
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