Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Save our country, vote a straight republican ticket in November


Next month, November, is the mid term elections.  All members of the House of Representatives, a third of all US senators, and most state governors and officials are up for election or re election.  This may be the last chance for us voters to pull our country out of its current power dive into the ground.  We don’t get another chance until 2024, and which point to may be too late to save the country. 

   The most important thing us voters can do is get rid of all the Greenies.  Greenies have strong opinions and no common sense.  Greenies want to shut down drilling for oil and gas, fracking, coal mining, and nuclear energy and cattle raising.  They feel (they don’t think but they have a lot of feelz)  that fracking, oil and gas exploration, coal mining, and nuclear power are evil and should be stopped.  None of them have gone thru a New Hampshire winter with no central heat.  Or walked to the store in a snow storm because they don’t have any gas for the car. 

    The reason for $5 a gallon gasoline is the Biden administration making nice to Greenies.  They shut down the Keystone XL pipeline their first day in office.  They stopped leasing any federal land for oil drilling, and they told the banks not to lend money to drill for oil, it was too risky.  That deliberately cut US oil and gas production by 1 million barrels a day, creating the shortage that led to $5 gasoline.  We need to get rid of these people, they will starve us all. 

   Greenies don’t have the courage to put them selves on the ballot.  Instead they attach themselves to the Democrats, who are on the ballot.  To get rid of the country wrecking Greenies, get out and vote a straight Republican ticket this November.

Sunday, September 25, 2022

Don't give New York State a hand out.

“Infrastructure” actually means use federal money to maintain New York State roads.  If you don’t live in New York, vote against infrastructure bills. 

New York roads are terrible.  Potholes, missing center strip, terrible signage, frost heaves, and worse.  Driving, you immediately notice when you enter New York State, the roads are in terrible shape.  This has occurred because New York State government stopped doing routine road maintenance maybe 30 years ago. 

   All the MSM people, TV or newspaper, live and work in New York.  They know how bad New York roads are.  They think all the roads in the country are as bad as they are in New York.  They figure that calling for “infrastructure” spending they will be fixing roads all over the country.  Not true.  Reasonable states like New Hampshire, the other New England states, Pennsylvania, Maryland, even Delaware have been doing routine road maintenance for years, and their roads are in decent shape.  A federal infrastructure bill will use tax money from all over the US to fix up New York roads which have been neglected by the state of New York for many many years. 

Hurrican Fiona is tearing up Atlantic Canada

Somehow Fiona manage to glide by New Hampshire without bringing us even a few clouds.  Granted Fiona was well offshore when passing New Hampshire, but usually a close by hurricane creates a day or two of bad weather. Not this time.  The TV is telling of massive power outages in Canada, and even Maine.

Saturday, September 24, 2022

Platforms are back.

    Used to be, each party, and many candidates, would publish a list of things they would do, if elected.  These lists were called platforms, and they had a decent effect upon voters.  For the last couple of elections, neither party bothered to publish a platform.  Probably because politicians think that taking a stand on anything loses you votes.  What ever the issue is, there are voters who are for it and voters that are against it.  Taking a stand, on anything, loses the voters who don’t agree, and fails to gain votes of those who do agree.  Which accounts for the hours and hours of politicians speaking but saying nothing.

   Mirabel Dictu.  The Republicans just published their platform for the coming election.  “Commitment to America” they called it.  The name sounds similar to “Contract with America” which was the name Newt Gengrich used for his platform many years ago.  Newt’s platform was fairly effective.  Let us hope this one works as well. Needless to say, the Democrats have been trashing “Commitment to America” ever since it came out on Friday.

Thursday, September 22, 2022

How Bad is the illegal immigration situation?

I just received one of those “Do Not Destroy. Registered Member Documents Enclosed” envelopes in the US Mail.  It was from Judicial Watch (a reasonable political group to whom I have contributed some money in the past) and the first seven questions were about the very large costs of illegal immigration, extra school costs, extra hospital costs, and more,  from illegal immigration.  The costs quoted were high, so high that I would want to check them out before I believed the numbers.  The tone of the rest of the document was “Illegal immigrants are costing us an arm and leg and we should shut them down.” I suppose the states on the Mexican border might be getting hit this hard but I don’t think my state is, yet.

   Where I live, New Hampshire, is a border state, our border is with Canada.  Far as I can tell, Canadians are happy with things in Canada and are staying in Canada, except for shopping.  Prices are lower in the US than they are in Canada, so we see a reasonable number of Canadians down here shopping.  They spend money, which is a good thing.  The Canadians mostly drive back to Canada after a shopping trip to New Hampshire.  The Mexican border is as far away from New Hampshire is it can be for an American State so I don’t think we are getting hit as hard as this questionnaire suggests, yet.

   Personally I am perfectly OK with illegal immigrants who find a job, pay their taxes, stay out of trouble with the law, go to mass on Sunday, and send their kids to school.    I call these good citizens, and our country needs all the good citizens it can get. 

   Immigrants who are MS13 gang members, who smuggle fentanyl, extort money, and engage in crime, are terrible citizens and we should lower the boom on them, good and hard.

   Anyhow I will return the questionnaire to Judicial Watch and maybe even send them a little money.


Fog in the Notch

 It is so thick I can barely see the house across the street.  And it is raining.  Fall is coming, today I hear. 

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Camp Lejeune water

    You must have heard the lawyers advertising for plaintiffs over the matter of Camp LeJeune’s water back in the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s and 80’s.  The lawyers are taking up as much airtime as Mike Lindell, the pillow guy.  The lawyers all call the Camp Lejeune water “toxic” and cause of a lot of bad sounding illnesses.  I have not heard just what it was/is in that water.  “Toxic” is just enough word for poisonous.  I’d like to know what they found in the water and how much.  Modern chemistry is good enough to detect small amounts of anything just about anywhere.  Before I get very excited about such detections I want to know just how much was detected and what is the safe limit for what ever it is that got detected.  I have no heard that about the Camp Lejeune situation.